(20 November, 2021 - 05:16 AM)Harry__ Wrote: Show More
I'm back! I was recommended to upload another one, and I couldn't agree more. As my post aged, the configs became lower and lower quality, all the way back to the start. I think it's time for another part, and by the volume of users who interacted with V1, I can tell you guys want it too. Alright, lets begin talking shit to randoms and completely shitting on their config making skills.

This new global-api that's around is complete ass. Not only does it skip, it's just a shitty alt-api with a broken endpoint smh. There's about 10 other api's that use the same endpoint and same post data but all of them are broken including the global-api. Anyways, let me demonstrate some proof.

[Image: 6f6406c576b508e747df6dd5039f634f.png]
The config has been leaked EVERYWHERE and coincidentally, Yashvir Gaming has all of a sudden got a Netflix config. Sus. Everyone needs to stop flooding the fucking forum with these configs when in reality they do not work AT ALL.

If you buy a netflix config and they're using one of these api's, demand a refund or open a scam report. Also, delete the configs that have this api, there's no point having it. SMH. Here's a list of retards saying it's working.


There's fucking hundreds of these shitty fucking posts, with the EXACT same configs and them claiming it's "theirs". Niggas are straight fucking skids and retarded.

[Image: 23c003baa97799596dc77c30cde4a18d.png]

The famous canal+ configs. Inexperienced config makers doing their "best" at bypassing akamai. As seen with this config, this guy just parsed the akamai configs and assumed it would work (blue). This won't work because the _abck cookie is assigned to a certain web url if I'm not mistaken (correct me if I'm wrong), and besides, canal+ contains TLS so even if this bypass was to work, it'll only work for about 3 checks then it'll stop. In the red, you can clearly see a static cookie which is a fucking no go in every config (unless it's supposed to be static). Also, in openbullet, you don't have to parse cookies and paste the variable in the cookie header as it automatically passes the cookies down from each request. It works just like a web browser. However, if you add the header "cookie:" it stops this automatic flow and you have to parse all the cookies from said site and paste the variables in the cookie header. I personally never use the cookie header unless it's suitable, it's just a waste of blocks and slows down the config (not by much, but still slows it down). Unless you have an alt api or you have an ACTUAL akamai bypass, stop posting these fucking configs that are terrible. The author @Avyero is renowned for posting these types of configs, including one of the shitty netflix configs mentioned above.

[Image: 99defef9ab30b53cbb5d23ff37e151c0.png]

Only a quick one. This api has 1020 CF I believe. So the API is patched. Been patched for fucking months lol. I don't know why people keep their posts up for broken configs, not hard to edit it all out and say "patched".


I will not be revealing the thread out of respect for @Btc2. Btc2 if you want the thread and the guy, dm me on discord I'll send you it. This man just got caught in UHD 32k 75 inch quality shit. He dumped btc2's cloud, skidded the config, LEFT the fucking loliscript in there and thought he was gonna get away with it. He literally left, btc2's loliscript and the author in the config. This is the lowest of the lows, and shows what type of a fucking mentally handicapped piece of shit this guy is. He literally left the fucking original loliscript containing the true owner of the config. Here's a photo of the author and the name of the config from btc2's cloud. https://gyazo.com/a310b9ab0aed595b8e645cdb267d47a0 Look familiar? I wonder why. I hope this kid gets caught and marked as a scammer. It looks as if he also made a config cloud, more than likely leeching off btc2's cloud. I genuinely hope this kid dies. Box

[Image: be636150dd2d50e86d515673a40f3506.png]

This guy was featured in Exposing Shitty Config Makers SERIES V1.0. AND HE'S BACK BABY. Ultra high quality configs are finally back, look how high quality that is! As you can see, he's using a fucking function block to set a static arkose token to bypass arkose (blue). This is just retarded, and I'm sure you know why. Each token is ratelimited so it'll work for like, 5 requests (not entirely sure as I haven't worked with arkose before). He's also using a static akamai cookie, like an entire static one. Not just the _abck cookie, THE ENTIRE FUCKING THING IS STATIC. Like man, how hard is it to just stop trying to make PSN. Nigga is just looking for likes. smh. @MythicTechDev you fucking suck.

Okay, that's it for now. Feel free to send me threads of shitty configs and I'll be sure to feature them on here or in my next post. There wasn't as many configs as last time, but I went more indepth. Anyways, bye. PepeBlush
Funny af post more of these lol2