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Dispute against @SirHugs

by kubaa213769420 - 07 September, 2022 - 04:19 AM
This post is by a banned member (kubaa213769420) - Unhide
1 Year of service
"Did I not do it? I literally got it done almost the same day, things happen and its stressful but that takes time and I had alot happening at that point of time." - no you didn't get it done the same day, 4 days in a row you said in a sec or a bit. That's not the same day to me, just look at the screenshots. I asked you first time on 19 then each day one time till 23 of august. You didn't explain why you can't do it. You just said in a sec or a bit. You didn't reply me at all on 22

"They werent down for that long and they were only down because people warned me posting them, But I reuploaded them even though because people wanted them. " - Hmm, we're using discord to exchange messages, you took them down from discord only or from mirror too. Because that doesn't make any sense at all. I asked you time and time again. 3 weeks must have passed before you reuploaded them. Shit like this doesn't take 3 weeks in 2022. That's big bs and don't lie

"We already disscussed this itll go into your bank when it clears with hes bank, like you said he sent with hes bank as why its on hold. Thats a normal thing with paypal, some banks are slow asf I waited a month one time, but theres also no reason for you to still not be earning, if those were really from another source." - no banks are this slow let's be real, money is probably blocked infinitely now. by Paypal  It's 2022 not 2000. No fucking bank goes that slow.

"Also you dont, you wont even know how to use the bot without the ebook." - Doesn't fucking matter, it's still a leak that shouldn't happen. A lot of people can read the code and would implement it. That's a scam to those who bought gold, because I have same shit regardless of how much I paid.

"Also the 23 rotating se modules or messages is like what itll send in the server to get traffic like it rotates through a list to not act like a bot. " - what are you on dude, there are no 23 different ways it rotates through the list. There is only one. The only you thing you do is type where to send it and in what time. And it does it over and over without a change. Each time it sends different message from the list. But that's not 23 different se modules, just different messages. Very huge fucking difference and mis-advertisement

I didn't earn anything up to now. 50 is on hold, not gonna wait one year just to see if I get it. 20 euros come from different source and I just needed a holder for that too. I wasted one month of fucking on this bs. The traffic is literally trash full of bunch of kids trying to fap unless you get really lucky. Remember how you advertise this - "MAKE 80$ AN HOUR, TODAY! " That's far from what i experienced. I only got one guy with 50 and that money is on hold. The only money I ALMOST earned for the whole month, and I didn't get it for more than a week now. Banks don't work that slow. 

Yes, i've said that I want a refund, but that's because the money is on hold. And I didn't want it you to fucking know that because you would put it against me. And you clearly see why I didn't want you to fucking know. Because you're gonna try and hold onto that money and don't refund me, even though I didn't earn shit and wasted one month watching dicks. And i'm not that bad at it, the traffic is just pure crap. I filter all the guys within the first minute because I know i'm not gonna earn on them.
This post is by a banned member (SirHugs) - Unhide
4 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 08 September, 2022 - 01:48 AM by SirHugs. Edited 1 time in total.)
""Did I not do it? I literally got it done almost the same day, things happen and its stressful but that takes time and I had alot happening at that point of time." - no you didn't get it done the same day, 4 days in a row you said in a sec or a bit. That's not the same day to me, just look at the screenshots. I asked you first time on 19 then each day one time till 23 of august. You didn't explain why you can't do it. You just said in a sec or a bit. You didn't reply me at all on 22" -- I got it done and its not even needed to the method, theres so many other servers

""They werent down for that long and they were only down because people warned me posting them, But I reuploaded them even though because people wanted them. " - Hmm, we're using discord to exchange messages, you took them down from discord only or from mirror too. Because that doesn't make any sense at all. I asked you time and time again. 3 weeks must have passed before you reuploaded them. Shit like this doesn't take 3 weeks in 2022. That's big bs and don't lie" -- It wasnt that long again, your making that up, you never asked me time and time again. Besides again those are all very easy to access so thats not even a problem with the method, and how'd you start if you didnt have a pack?

""We already disscussed this itll go into your bank when it clears with hes bank, like you said he sent with hes bank as why its on hold. Thats a normal thing with paypal, some banks are slow asf I waited a month one time, but theres also no reason for you to still not be earning, if those were really from another source." - no banks are this slow let's be real, money is probably blocked infinitely now. by Paypal  It's 2022 not 2000. No fucking bank goes that slow." -- You earned thats not my fault you used a random exchanger like I never recommended whoever you used. Theres no reason for it to not go off hold, or for you to not earn again. People earn every single day, Also theres so many other ways to accept it. I didnt even know the account was limited from whoever you used.

""Also you dont, you wont even know how to use the bot without the ebook." - Doesn't fucking matter, it's still a leak that shouldn't happen. A lot of people can read the code and would implement it. That's a scam to those who bought gold, because I have same shit regardless of how much I paid." -- they cant read it unless they turn the exe back to python, besides majority of people cant even read it. Its an accident like its not a big deal at all, no one complains, I got termed too many times and just got annoying resetting up every role and everything. I did that enough times, but if its such a big deal ill start doing that. I didnt know anyone found that a problem lol. But ill start doing it if its such a big deal.

""Also the 23 rotating se modules or messages is like what itll send in the server to get traffic like it rotates through a list to not act like a bot. " - what are you on dude, there are no 23 different ways it rotates through the list. There is only one. The only you thing you do is type where to send it and in what time. And it does it over and over without a change. Each time it sends different message from the list. But that's not 23 different se modules, just different messages. Very huge fucking difference and mis-advertisement" -- it rotates through alot of messages aswell as in the fully auto ones so people dont think its a bot, I didnt know what to call it. But theres so many ways it changes the messages so theyll never be the same, like with it managing traffic with some of those modules like it rotates through a fat list of very narrow ended responses thats supposed to redirect them to the traffic source and make them so they think its real.

"I didn't earn anything up to now. 50 is on hold, not gonna wait one year just to see if I get it. 20 euros come from different source and I just needed a holder for that too. I wasted one month of fucking on this bs. The traffic is literally trash full of bunch of kids trying to fap unless you get really lucky. Remember how you advertise this - "MAKE 80$ AN HOUR, TODAY! " That's far from what i experienced. I only got one guy with 50 and that money is on hold. The only money I ALMOST earned for the whole month, and I didn't get it for more than a week now. Banks don't work that slow. " -- I advertised that from my experience and others, if your not converting the traffic properly even with all my help thats on you, like theres no reason for you not to earn. I dont have a problem in refunding you if you didnt lie, but you litterally didnt let me login to your account so I cant even see if you put work in or whats your problem. You simply dont let me, its not my fault your not listening like why else would everyone else be earning so much everyday and you dont some how. Makes no sense and you dont even let me see your progress, so why would I waste my time and money. when I already invested that into you.

"Yes, i've said that I want a refund, but that's because the money is on hold. And I didn't want it you to fucking know that because you would put it against me. And you clearly see why I didn't want you to fucking know. Because you're gonna try and hold onto that money and don't refund me, even though I didn't earn shit and wasted one month watching dicks. And i'm not that bad at it, the traffic is just pure crap. I filter all the guys within the first minute because I know i'm not gonna earn on them." -- And the reason why im holding on too it is first off is, I caught you lying. Second you wont let me login to your account and even see what your doing/the problem. Also it makes no sense how you wasted a month, you mustve been doing nothing. Like this method earns really well and like I get so much good feedback from it, so like when I see others earn shit tons and you dont for some reason I just want to help you first because its always a super simple fix, so like when I see you lying then asking for a refund, and not even let me see what your doing wrong like, why do others earn so much and you dont? Its because your doing something wrong and you wont let me fix it. its obviously not gonna make me want to refund you after all that and especially after your calling me the nword and other language the entire time i've tried to be professional with you, like you were respectful till you werent. like its just annoying me, like I dont even care about refunding you at this point, Its so fucking stupid and I want you to just leave me alone. you already earned and theres no reason for you not to, with my help. Like I dont get it, why you cant earn. Also they only send dick pics if you lead them on too, you don't listen to my advice to be straight forward and not waste time.

ill wait for @Liars or @Darkness on what I should do. Because like theres 0 reason for you not to earn. Even though I caught you earning multiple times but you keep making excuses, like I honestly dont know what to believe. Get a proper way to accept money and you'll make it. Thats not my fault and like I have so much proof my method works so like, idk how you didn't earn and everyone says your lying because you talk to my members behind my back.
This post is by a banned member (kubaa213769420) - Unhide
1 Year of service
Again there were no packs. You reuploaded it just recently - - and that's not even 300GB promised as on the ad. Lie
One guy confirms there were no packs, just a handful or 2-3 -
That's not 300 GB. I'm not making that up, that's a fact I had to wait until now. I had to send you links so you "unpack" them for me  -

"I dont have a problem in refunding you if you didnt lie, but you litterally didnt let me login to your account so I cant even see if you put work in or whats your problem. " - I showed time and time again that this traffic is trash, i showed you many convos that guys do not want to buy at all. At least 10-15 in total ss i send you. I showed you the whole fucking list on dms i got, full, none bought.

"why else would everyone else be earning so much everyday and you dont some how. " - I literally don't care that others earn. I did not. Saying that there is no reason not to earn is bs.

I am not lying, I didn't earn multiple times. The only time is this one time and it's on hold 50$  FOR ONE MONTH. The title says "MAKE 80$ AN HOUR, TODAY! " - Far from what I experienced. Other amounts holder got is from another source so it doesn't matter here. I didn't earn anything. It's unfair trying to deny refund just because others earn and shit.
This post is by a banned member (SirHugs) - Unhide
4 Years of service
"Again there were no packs. You reuploaded it just recently - - and that's not even 300GB promised as on the ad. Lie" -- Okay just dont even mention all the other packs in the server
and there always was them, I got termed twice how many times do I have to say that, aswell as legit the cxruppted guy you showed in that ss or @TriiggerPappii is legit the fakest human being to ever live. First off he scammed my customers by just taking they're and deleted theyre tickets, I had customers say they came back and he did that. Secondly, I had 2 reports of people finding malware in the random programs hed send with hes friends. Also him also threatening to fuck me over, because he asked for 150$ for sales he cant even show how he intitiated it even though I already paid him twice. Like just sales coming out of hes ass, and then he stole my customer only server and told everyone to charge back or make a scam report so theyll make more money. aswell as him litteraly saying hes gonna steal all my work and just him to resell it.

So really @TriiggerPappii or Cxruppted should be the last person you should trust after he did all that. Like he should really be banned for that idk why I didn't contact staff yet on him. 

"That's not 300 GB. I'm not making that up, that's a fact I had to wait until now. I had to send you links so you "unpack" them for me  -"  -- Also that was temporarily because I had people warning me about posting them, also I got termed. So I didnt know why that was caused. Besides litterally any pack works, it doesn't matter. But I still always offered it, things happen temporarily its not hard to get past it.

""I dont have a problem in refunding you if you didnt lie, but you litterally didnt let me login to your account so I cant even see if you put work in or whats your problem. " - I showed time and time again that this traffic is trash, i showed you many convos that guys do not want to buy at all. At least 10-15 in total ss i send you. I showed you the whole fucking list on dms i got, full, none bought." -- I just talked to you about this, but you dont let me login you only show me random conversations where it worked out in your favor you always say no for me logging in like when I asked earlier today, and legit everyday when youd ask for a refund.
Like you dont let me even see the problem, like by showing a few doesnt show me your just showing the shitty ones that happens all the time in ewhoring but your not listening to my tips.

""why else would everyone else be earning so much everyday and you dont some how. " - I literally don't care that others earn. I did not. Saying that there is no reason not to earn is bs." There is legit no reason, if youd listen to me and let me login. By showing all the bad msgs doesn't fix it thats normal with ewhoring and you just gotta ignore them, youd never let me login and find out the general issue. Or too even see if your lying about earning, or to see anything.

"I am not lying, I didn't earn multiple times. The only time is this one time and it's on hold 50$  FOR ONE MONTH. The title says "MAKE 80$ AN HOUR, TODAY! " - Far from what I experienced. Other amounts holder got is from another source so it doesn't matter here. I didn't earn anything. It's unfair trying to deny refund just because others earn and shit." -- It wont be on hold for long, legit wait till your holder gets it off hold. Those payments dont stay on hold forever, its not going anywhere. And sure, youll just keep saying anything. Like idk why im argueing with you this is such a waste of time, but I really dont wanna refund someone who doesn't even let me login to the account to see the issue, I only have to trust your narrative that isnt true with anyone else's experience. As why Im hesitant about refunding you, because its dumb. And I didnt deny because that, its because I wanna check your account first too see the problem.
This post is by a banned member (kubaa213769420) - Unhide
1 Year of service
Let's leave drama with corrupt. He wouldn't have to lie about those packs anyway.

"Also that was temporarily because I had people warning me about posting them, also I got termed." - no, weeks

"It wont be on hold for long, legit wait till your holder gets it off hold. " I'm not gonna wait weeks until i get it. It's not even guaranteed i'm gonna get it. To me it looks like i won't get it, it's on hold.

Let's wait for cracked staff.
This post is by a banned member (SirHugs) - Unhide
4 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 08 September, 2022 - 04:14 AM by SirHugs. Edited 1 time in total.)
(08 September, 2022 - 03:56 AM)kubaa213769420 Wrote: Show More
Let's leave drama with corrupt. He wouldn't have to lie about those packs anyway.

"Also that was temporarily because I had people warning me about posting them, also I got termed." - no, weeks

"It wont be on hold for long, legit wait till your holder gets it off hold. " I'm not gonna wait weeks until i get it. It's not even guaranteed i'm gonna get it. To me it looks like i won't get it, it's on hold.

Let's wait for cracked staff.

"Let's leave drama with corrupt. He wouldn't have to lie about those packs anyway." -- he caused me so much stress, they should know what he done.

""It wont be on hold for long, legit wait till your holder gets it off hold. " I'm not gonna wait weeks until i get it. It's not even guaranteed i'm gonna get it. To me it looks like i won't get it, it's on hold." -- you will theres no reason for you to not, if he sent through his bank there's a processing time for theyre old ass bank to process it, I waited like a month before because theyre from like weird countries.

Also we agreed that hed start again and pay attention to everything I teach him, if staff decides in my favor. 
He already earned 50$, and he can easily earn more. This is such a stupid dispute.
This post is by a banned member (kubaa213769420) - Unhide
1 Year of service
Yeah. If staff decides for refund which I would really prefer then it would be really great.

If not, we go one last try and then he refunds me without issues if it doesn't work
This post is by a banned member (elcamel101) - Unhide
2 Years of service
Lmao it’s like watching a train wreak, he earned, he asked for a refund, and then tried to ask others to hide his earnings from sirhugs (this dispute is stupid)
Join Camels School Of Learning  sheepe
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