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Scam report against @theateractor

by hydroLMN - 26 February, 2024 - 05:19 PM
This post is by a banned member (hydroLMN) - Unhide
5 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 28 February, 2024 - 03:20 PM by hydroLMN. Edited 3 times in total.)
you are talking about different forum doesn't matter in my known ratlogs community people who sell these stuff even no gurantees is instantly scammer selling raped lines and claiming they are 2024 $21kdidnt set anything because he made a promise the stock will be from his "stock3" which worth $21k and 2024 lines. why should people buy $0 worth lines while he claimed different info on his logs
explain to me if this is a scam saying fake info
aswell never deleted chats how tf you be getting 28 backups sounds legit calculation
if selling raped lines allowed ? if so i would be rich
I will say i bought my logs for $80k and will just sell free stuff i found from thread or something.. i cant get banned because i didn't gurantee its paid and have hq hits i only said i paid $80k so they can rely on that and trust
[Image: QAnWfZO.gif]
[Image: UppgDws.gif]

[Image: Zaz5r6w.gif]
This post is by a banned member (theateractor) - Unhide
1 Year of service
This guy is so retarded, i will don't say anymore nothing , all chats was sent to all admins . 
You don't have chats because you deleted it yourself and agree when i told you "why you deleted chats" ? and you agree about deleted chats because you don't need anymore chats with me . You are dumb asfuck and repeating same words again and again like a parrot
This post is by a banned member (hydroLMN) - Unhide
5 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 28 February, 2024 - 06:46 PM by hydroLMN. Edited 1 time in total.)
(28 February, 2024 - 06:24 PM)theateractor Wrote: Show More
This guy is so retarded, i will don't say anymore nothing , all chats was sent to all admins . 
You don't have chats because you deleted it yourself and agree when i told you "why you deleted chats" ? and you agree about deleted chats because you don't need anymore chats with me . You are dumb asfuck and repeating same words again and again like a parrot
Answer me this:
I will say i bought my logs for $80k and will just sell free stuff i found from thread or something.. i cant get banned because i didn't told gurantee its paid and have hq hits i only said i paid $80k so they can rely on that and trust
[Image: R0fKS6J.png]he send specific chats there are alot more i dont have them^^

$7k / *3 = 2024 lines $21k total
$7k / * 12  = 2023 lines $84k total
$105k total i trusted you paid, how come $105k worth $0?
at least should worth $100 or the $320 i paid, because i pay $100 for random cloud and get amazing different results. 
Saying he never sold means his lines are public:
if checking url:login:pass on $21k 2024 logs and getting $0 worth lines of the url means its public if you say else i would like to exit and let my communties know about this deal they know what a scammer is selling free lines not even talking about claiming his lines worth $80k 
[Image: 8RuTJAF.png]he even know himself its a scam he wanted to replace and even refund me aswell i didn't want he see i have nothing in chats so he keeps on his own character
[Image: QAnWfZO.gif]
[Image: UppgDws.gif]

[Image: Zaz5r6w.gif]
This post is by a banned member (theateractor) - Unhide
1 Year of service
(This post was last modified: 28 February, 2024 - 07:24 PM by theateractor. Edited 1 time in total.)
I can't explain it forever. @Liars @Darkness.

The community is not your community. And the admins do their job the right way, not the way you want them to, according to the terms you create yourself after the deal. You create your own terms of quality? You're the idiot man I've ever met in my life.  You're too stupid, I don't understand how you're on these forums.

You said yourself that you collected "everything for free" from telegram/forum channels . 6kk unique from me that you didn't have ,now you say they are free on topics ? You are stupid and you are blaming yourself for the terms you agreed to . 

The TERMS for the deal were :


You are fucking idiot and i see no point in repeating myself anymore @Liars @Darkness ,i'm waiting.

It makes the conversation meaningless, without clear  proof about the terms, and repeats the ideas with screenshots about the investments in logs, said in a very bad way. He created a topic "Scam report" where he complains about being "scam" without clear proof about the terms and conditions of the deal. Accusing me of selling free logs ,after I explained before 6kk will be unique and this was only term? Why him accepted terms if him saying / repeating "i'm sell free logs" without checking before ? How to finish deals and saying after them new rules / terms ? What ?)))I don't said it will be good for your target ,i said +/- , and you will see on chat these too , but this wasn't term , because you don't told me about "guarantee hits" or "FA" hits "NFA hits" Skinned hits" , and anyway why you keeping repeating same words , are you fucking parrot ? You can't wait for admins? Where are your proofs about terms ? You keeping repeating yourself about my own investiment in logs without know exactly what meaning updates and stocks. 

Also you said 30% hitrate "So far" and after you deleted images /chat ))) omg you are fucking insane kid . but yeah this don't matter anymore , i will don't repeat myself anymore like you parrot i will wait admins 

You don't said a term : " I will have 3000 hits , i will have 3000000 hits? Is hitslist or combo ? "

You don't has all logs from world for saying it's public , retard.

You don't even know how logs working ,and it was good for you that is why you deleted proofs from chat telegram ( but i saved everything retard ) also this wasn't term , but you blame yourself .

You saying here isn't good , but on chats said good.  After 2 days you starting deleting proofs from my end.
This post is by a banned member (theateractor) - Unhide
1 Year of service
There is not "antipublic" for logs on all market/forums for now . No one can have access to logs and convert in real-time , who you will get this antipublic ? This user just waste time and making own antipublic and put him AP with Arhivar or what ? )))) Anyway if it are "public" why i checked your AP and you don't got them ? If them are "public" why you don't fixed term "let me check first if they are public i have all logs from all world" , you said i will check antipublic with your already AP combo , i checked and result was 6kk unique , how them are public if you don't got them ? 

Full chat: 

I'm talking with him from 13 FEB :

Him saying if i got fate real time traffic and fate cloud :  , i said yes. 

Here i explained the only thing i can do is checking with him combo so him will buy only unique log:pass from me: , i checked all links and it taken 3 days for sorting,removing dupes and delivery.

Again i said +/- for see how many unique lines i have:

Him sent here AP (antipublic combo) for checking with mine so i can sell to him only unique lines (the only one term in this deal) :

Again , we talking here about AP , unique lines (only one term in deal) : , him agree.

Him saying "how many unique lines"  so him agree x10 times :

Here i said , there aren't only 2023-2024 fresh , there are some older too i can't see / control:

From 6kk i sold , with him riotgames sorter him got 5.8kk good for riotgames:

Him said ,started 30% was hits so far:  , him checked 5,8kk not 2k-5k-10k-100k how him saying or 500k , checked 5,8kk

Him sent me preview of him checker , but i don't care :  , but yes there are some good hits i saw anyway (it don't was a term)

him got 7k+ hits very fast without checking all combo : (here is brute you can't see capture) Him checked 2% from 2kk combo and got 7k hits

Here , him confirmed it brute first:

Big thing , him said will split file in 2 , because too much RAM : see how many hits him got with my bases.

Him said ,started 30% was hits so far:  , him checked 5,8kk not 2k-5k-10k-100k how him saying or 500k , checked 5,8kk

Him got over 830K Valid hits good for riotgames without Banned ,locked ,2fa on brute -checker.

Him saying "added 35k skinned logs" why will him re-check skinned logs already checked? Oh but who numbers can be same at this  ,him just lying , him all time checked my  valid results on skinned checker 800k+ valids from my bases sorted in 2 parts , 5.8kk

refference: /

With this i will close my answer to this deal , i will answer if @Liars , @Darkness hit me back. 

After got 830k valid hits him make fake scam report , after one term about only unique term him make scam report and saying "public logs"
This post is by a banned member (hydroLMN) - Unhide
5 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 29 February, 2024 - 09:56 PM by hydroLMN. Edited 1 time in total.)
No more talk 

 Here you can see there is literally 1kk fake lines in editor:
[Image: Gu13lxI.png]
first image i have 1kk lines, second 400k not in format lines:
[Image: odZTMee.png]
every guy with anti public i am willing to send the combo for, there is evidence and logic in this scam
[Image: QAnWfZO.gif]
[Image: UppgDws.gif]

[Image: Zaz5r6w.gif]
This post is by a banned member (theateractor) - Unhide
1 Year of service
(This post was last modified: 29 February, 2024 - 10:23 PM by theateractor.)
5.8kk is unique retard , 200k is removed retard

@Liars @Darkness ,join here

I'm tired of this kid , him talking too much and useless Lucas nto response , again . Someone can take a care about this fake report ?
This post is by a banned member (theateractor) - Unhide
1 Year of service
#24 nto feedback

@Liars @Darkness ,this fake scam report prolong so much

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