15 July, 2022 - 01:07 AM
(06 July, 2022 - 06:50 PM)P_2 Wrote: Show MoreHow much you can make with this mentorship ?
You can made up to 5,000$ max in 1 week of work.
How much time it will take me to make this amount ?
Less than 1h of work everyday during 1 week.
Is this method working worldwide ?
As long as you have internet, you can make money with this money.
What is this method about ?
The mentorship is about resell of verified coinbase accounts, we give contacts of buyers and seller, you just need to do the transaction.
Is this method legal ?
Yes, you dont have to do anything illegal, everything is whitehat.
Why selling an OP method like this one ? And why is it limited to 10 students ?
I already reached the max money you can make with it, so I want to share it for more money.
I limit the number of students to 10 to avoid saturation of method. If method isnt saturated after all my customers got their 5,000$, I'll reopen sales for 10 more students.
Do I need any investment to start ?
You need an investment of 5$ to start making money.
I'm a noob, would you help me if I need ?
Of course I'll do, this is a mentorship if you have any questions/problems, I'll be very happy to help you !
Does the method needs any special knowledges like programming or trading ?
You dont need any knowledges to do this method, and I'll explain you everything if there's something than you dont understand.
If the method stop work before I made my 5,000$, what would happen ?
I'll refund you the money you dont made. (Only if you made less than the price of the ebook)
Sounds good ! Where and how do I buy ? How much it costs ?
To buy, simply dm me here or on discord : 365#9999
We take the following payment methods
- Paysafecard
- Crypto : BTC, LTC, ETH, XMR.
- Paypal (Limited)
The complete mentorship costs 200$.
Also, if you're not sure for your safety, we can use a MM, at your fees.
Thanks for reading !
check your dms!!