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Scam report against @theateractor

by hydroLMN - 26 February, 2024 - 05:19 PM
This post is by a banned member (hydroLMN) - Unhide
5 Years of service
(01 March, 2024 - 10:42 AM)theateractor Wrote: Show More nto feedback

@Liars @Darkness ,this fake scam report prolong so much

Sorry all admins for this long scam report I feel very bad you all have to read this all and imagine you have a lot but here you go firstly read this album and then you can understand more how the deal done and who's wrong:
[Image: QAnWfZO.gif]
[Image: UppgDws.gif]

[Image: Zaz5r6w.gif]
This post is by a banned member (theateractor) - Unhide
1 Year of service
(This post was last modified: 01 March, 2024 - 07:39 PM by theateractor. Edited 1 time in total.)
)))) him sending random screenshots in random subject and not full conversation also him talking about "Base Cloud" not "url service" , you talking so much shit .. I'm tired of you .

(01 March, 2024 - 07:27 PM)hydroLMN Wrote: Show More
(01 March, 2024 - 10:42 AM)theateractor Wrote: Show More nto feedback

@Liars @Darkness ,this fake scam report prolong so much

Sorry all admins for this long scam report I feel very bad you all have to read this all and imagine you have a lot but here you go firstly read this album and then you can understand more how the deal done and who's wrong:

Keep kalm , there is already full conversation on scam report , and backups of full chat is already sent ,you don't need anymore send "myrz" and fake antipublic  ( there are antipublic for email:pass not user:pass retard_ Half of 50% of 230 lines are private , and retard saying is 100% public - This is Base Cloud not url service what you bought retard ,you talking so much on different services. 

Everytime when you will repeat yourself , i will write again this: 
There is not "antipublic" for logs on all market/forums for now . No one can have access to logs and convert in real-time , who you will get this antipublic ? This user just waste time and making own antipublic and put him AP with Arhivar or what ? )))) Anyway if it are "public" why i checked your AP and you don't got them ? If them are "public" why you don't fixed term "let me check first if they are public i have all logs from all world" , you said i will check antipublic with your already AP combo , i checked and result was 6kk unique , how them are public if you don't got them ? 

Full chat: 

I'm talking with him from 13 FEB :

Him saying if i got fate real time traffic and fate cloud :  , i said yes. 

Here i explained the only thing i can do is checking with him combo so him will buy only unique log:pass from me: , i checked all links and it taken 3 days for sorting,removing dupes and delivery.

Again i said +/- for see how many unique lines i have:

Him sent here AP (antipublic combo) for checking with mine so i can sell to him only unique lines (the only one term in this deal) :

Again , we talking here about AP , unique lines (only one term in deal) : , him agree.

Him saying "how many unique lines"  so him agree x10 times :

Here i said , there aren't only 2023-2024 fresh , there are some older too i can't see / control:

From 6kk i sold , with him riotgames sorter him got 5.8kk good for riotgames:

Him said ,started 30% was hits so far:  , him checked 5,8kk not 2k-5k-10k-100k how him saying or 500k , checked 5,8kk

Him sent me preview of him checker , but i don't care :  , but yes there are some good hits i saw anyway (it don't was a term)

him got 7k+ hits very fast without checking all combo : (here is brute you can't see capture) Him checked 2% from 2kk combo and got 7k hits

Here , him confirmed it brute first:

Big thing , him said will split file in 2 , because too much RAM : see how many hits him got with my bases.

Him said ,started 30% was hits so far:  , him checked 5,8kk not 2k-5k-10k-100k how him saying or 500k , checked 5,8kk
Him got over 830K Valid hits good for riotgames without Banned ,locked ,2fa on brute -checker.

Him saying "added 35k skinned logs" why will him re-check skinned logs already checked? Oh but who numbers can be same at this  ,him just lying , him all time checked my  valid results on skinned checker 800k+ valids from my bases sorted in 2 parts , 5.8kk

refference: /

With this i will close my answer to this deal , i will answer if hit me back. 

After got 830k valid hits him make fake scam report , after one term about only unique term him make scam report and saying "public logs"

You spamming with different subjects / deals or other services you don't bought , you trying to  change subject of deal and terms of it so much and prolong this fake scam report so much , on is closed already by Lucas . Then if you repeating yoruself , i will write / spam everytime full chat history ^^^ so all people will see who's wrong and retard here.

No one care about your "album" on imgur ))) wtf , let's admins see full chat history not useless "screenshots" of "fake myrz" and other fake antipublic , myrz is from ru forum not from EN and it don't has console , Myrz only checking emails , and it don't has user checking , your myrz isn't real myrz so you can checking with some fake combos from your local , or whatever (also we don't discuss about "private rate") this wasn't term ,you are very dumb person i saw here and making yourself own terms after i delivered product and requesting refund . @Liars @Darkness
This post is by a banned member (hydroLMN) - Unhide
5 Years of service
You write too many , if you know you right don't write that many, other forum is irrelevent however the dispute opened again i am sure there's something wrong at your side.
Writing too many and being toxic are symptoms of a fraud
[Image: QAnWfZO.gif]
[Image: UppgDws.gif]

[Image: Zaz5r6w.gif]
This post is by a banned member (theateractor) - Unhide
1 Year of service
(This post was last modified: 01 March, 2024 - 08:10 PM by theateractor. Edited 1 time in total.)
(01 March, 2024 - 07:45 PM)hydroLMN Wrote: Show More
You write too many , if you know you right don't write that many, other forum is irrelevent however the dispute opened again i am sure there's something wrong at your side.
Writing too many and being toxic are symptoms of a fraud

)))) I'm not "writing too many" , I'm just show full our chat again and again , you spamming and repeating yourself with your drama and other terms than what we talked before deal , you can't make fucking your own rules after deal rat .  [Image: kek.png]

I'm very right , admin from closed your fake scam report ,you just prolong this topic with fake accusations and new accusations of other services you don't bought . You want admins to focus on other things then real deal . So i will repeat myself like you , will be funny 

(01 March, 2024 - 07:30 PM)theateractor Wrote: Show More
)))) him sending random screenshots in random subject and not full conversation also him talking about "Base Cloud" not "url service" , you talking so much shit .. I'm tired of you .

(01 March, 2024 - 07:27 PM)hydroLMN Wrote: Show More
(01 March, 2024 - 10:42 AM)theateractor Wrote: Show More nto feedback

@Liars @Darkness ,this fake scam report prolong so much

Sorry all admins for this long scam report I feel very bad you all have to read this all and imagine you have a lot but here you go firstly read this album and then you can understand more how the deal done and who's wrong:

Keep kalm , there is already full conversation on scam report , and backups of full chat is already sent ,you don't need anymore send "myrz" and fake antipublic  ( there are antipublic for email:pass not user:pass retard_ Half of 50% of 230 lines are private , and retard saying is 100% public - This is Base Cloud not url service what you bought retard ,you talking so much on different services. 

Everytime when you will repeat yourself , i will write again this: 
There is not "antipublic" for logs on all market/forums for now . No one can have access to logs and convert in real-time , who you will get this antipublic ? This user just waste time and making own antipublic and put him AP with Arhivar or what ? )))) Anyway if it are "public" why i checked your AP and you don't got them ? If them are "public" why you don't fixed term "let me check first if they are public i have all logs from all world" , you said i will check antipublic with your already AP combo , i checked and result was 6kk unique , how them are public if you don't got them ? 

Full chat: 

I'm talking with him from 13 FEB :

Him saying if i got fate real time traffic and fate cloud :  , i said yes. 

Here i explained the only thing i can do is checking with him combo so him will buy only unique log:pass from me: , i checked all links and it taken 3 days for sorting,removing dupes and delivery.

Again i said +/- for see how many unique lines i have:

Him sent here AP (antipublic combo) for checking with mine so i can sell to him only unique lines (the only one term in this deal) :

Again , we talking here about AP , unique lines (only one term in deal) : , him agree.

Him saying "how many unique lines"  so him agree x10 times :

Here i said , there aren't only 2023-2024 fresh , there are some older too i can't see / control:

From 6kk i sold , with him riotgames sorter him got 5.8kk good for riotgames:

Him said ,started 30% was hits so far:  , him checked 5,8kk not 2k-5k-10k-100k how him saying or 500k , checked 5,8kk

Him sent me preview of him checker , but i don't care :  , but yes there are some good hits i saw anyway (it don't was a term)

him got 7k+ hits very fast without checking all combo : (here is brute you can't see capture) Him checked 2% from 2kk combo and got 7k hits

Here , him confirmed it brute first:

Big thing , him said will split file in 2 , because too much RAM : see how many hits him got with my bases.

Him said ,started 30% was hits so far:  , him checked 5,8kk not 2k-5k-10k-100k how him saying or 500k , checked 5,8kk
Him got over 830K Valid hits good for riotgames without Banned ,locked ,2fa on brute -checker.

Him saying "added 35k skinned logs" why will him re-check skinned logs already checked? Oh but who numbers can be same at this  ,him just lying , him all time checked my  valid results on skinned checker 800k+ valids from my bases sorted in 2 parts , 5.8kk

refference: /

With this i will close my answer to this deal , i will answer if hit me back. 

After got 830k valid hits him make fake scam report , after one term about only unique term him make scam report and saying "public logs"

You spamming with different subjects / deals or other services you don't bought , you trying to  change subject of deal and terms of it so much and prolong this fake scam report so much , on is closed already by Lucas . Then if you repeating yoruself , i will write / spam everytime full chat history ^^^ so all people will see who's wrong and retard here.

No one care about your "album" on imgur ))) wtf , let's admins see full chat history not useless "screenshots" of "fake myrz" and other fake antipublic , myrz is from ru forum not from EN and it don't has console , Myrz only checking emails , and it don't has user checking , your myrz isn't real myrz so you can checking with some fake combos from your local , or whatever (also we don't discuss about "private rate") this wasn't term ,you are very dumb person i saw here and making yourself own terms after i delivered product and requesting refund . @Liars @Darkness

Refference again here for admins .
This post is by a banned member (Liars) - Unhide
Staff Team
5 Years of service
OP has closed this report. I am going to assume this as solved.
 [Image: v6F3tGP.gif]
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