Dear forum users,

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our Autobumping Shouts feature, designed to enhance your experience by automating your message postings in the shoutbox marketplace channel. This innovative tool ensures your messages are consistently shared without the need for manual intervention.

Purchase link: https://cracked.io/autobump_shouts.php?action=buy
Special introductory pricing: Currently, the cost is 30k credits (30 euros) for 3 days for testing purposes. After 15 days, we will switch to monthly plans only.

Key Features:

Automated Messaging: The Autobumping Shouts feature allows you to schedule your messages to be sent automatically every 30 minutes. This ensures your presence is consistently maintained, even when you are not online. You no longer need to manually post messages, making it easier to keep your audience engaged.

Message Limits: To maintain the quality and relevance of messages, each message must be between 5 and 200 characters. This range is designed to accommodate concise yet meaningful communication. Please note that BBCode is not supported in these automated messages, ensuring a clean and standardized format.

Content Allowances: Enhance your messages with up to 5 smilies and 1 link per message. This allows you to add a personal touch and direct your audience to relevant product or service. Smilies helps make your messages more engaging, while links provide additional information and drive traffic to important pages.

Compliance: to ensure compliance with our forum guidelines and marketplace subforum rules, please note that automated messages may only promote a single service or product. Advertisements that feature multiple services or products, or otherwise violate forum rules, will result in the removal of the autobump plan without a refund. This policy helps maintain a safe and respectful community for all users. Messages failing to comply will be subject to moderation.

Cooldown: The autobump cooldown period is shared with the cooldown imposed when a user sends a marketplace message manually. This means that if you send a manual message, the autobump will respect the same cooldown period, ensuring fair use of the messaging system.
Important Information:

Finality of Sales: All sales related to the Autobumping Shouts feature are final. Refunds will not be issued under any circumstances. This policy ensures fairness and consistency for all users who utilize this feature.

Submission Policy: Once a message submission is made, it cannot be changed or reversed. This emphasizes the importance of carefully crafting your messages before scheduling them for automatic posting.

Warnings Against External Scripts: We have implemented checks to detect the use of external autobump scripts. If we detect that you are using such scripts or if you ask someone to post on your behalf, you will receive a ban and permanent blacklist from the shoutbox marketplace. In severe cases, this may result in a full forum ban. We take this matter seriously to maintain the integrity of our platform.

We believe this new feature will significantly streamline your interactions, making it easier for you to stay engaged with our community. Thank you for being a valued member of our platform. Happy autobumping!