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⚡ Advanced Token & Serial Generator ⚡ Web Based ⚡ Fast & High Quality ⚡

by Trident - 21 January, 2020 - 03:15 AM
This post is by a banned member (Noiroos) - Unhide
4 Years of service
(21 January, 2020 - 03:15 AM)trident_ Wrote: Show More
[font][font]Résumé de l'outil[/font][/font]
[font][font]Cet outil est un générateur basé sur le Web qui peut être utilisé pour générer des séries avancées de presque toutes les combinaisons. [/font][font]Actuellement, deux caractères génériques sont pris en charge, y compris un caractère générique de caractère (lettre) et un caractère générique de nombre. [/font][font]Combinés, ces deux caractères génériques sont capables de reproduire presque tous les numéros de série sur Internet. [/font][/font]
[font][font]Utilisation de l'outil[/font][/font]
  • [font][font]Répondez à ce sujet afin d'accéder au contenu caché.[/font][/font]
  • [font][font]Accédez à l'URL fournie[/font][/font]
  • [font][font]Formatez votre requête pour le générateur. [/font][font]Par exemple, si vous souhaitez générer des cartes-cadeaux Amazon (AS25-NJZ1JX-CZCP5), vous utiliserez la requête **** - ****** - *****[/font][/font]
  • [font][font]Sélectionnez une quantité de publications en série à générer[/font][/font]
  • [font][font]Soumettez la requête et attendez un peu, votre téléchargement devrait démarrer automatiquement.[/font][/font]
[font][font]Lien vers l'outil [/font][/font][font][font]Tous les commentaires sont appréciés. [/font][font]Contactez-moi si vous avez besoin d'aide.[/font][/font]

  [Image: wub.png]   [Image: wub.png]

[font][font]je its working thats insane[/font][/font]
This post is by a banned member (KaguraaSan) - Unhide
5 Years of service
(21 January, 2020 - 03:15 AM)trident_ Wrote: Show More
Summary of Tool
This tool is a web-based generator that can be used to generate advanced serials of almost any combination. Currently, two wildcards are supported, including a character (letter) wildcard and a number wildcard. Combined, these two wildcards are able to replicate almost any serial number on the internet.
Using the Tool
  • Reply to this topic in order to access the hidden content.
  • Navigate to the URL provided
  • Format your query for the generator. For example, if you want to generate amazon gift cards (AS25-NJZ1JX-CZCP5) you would use the query ****-******-*****
  • Select an amount of serials to generate
  • Submit the query and wait a bit, your download should start automatically.
Link to Tool

  [Image: wub.png]  All feedback is appreciated. Contact me if you need assistance. [Image: wub.png]

im gonna test
This post is by a banned member (Bradb84) - Unhide
This post is by a banned member (aslkekle3209sdf) - Unhide
5 Years of service
(21 January, 2020 - 03:15 AM)trident_ Wrote: Show More
Summary of Tool
This tool is a web-based generator that can be used to generate advanced serials of almost any combination. Currently, two wildcards are supported, including a character (letter) wildcard and a number wildcard. Combined, these two wildcards are able to replicate almost any serial number on the internet.
Using the Tool
  • Reply to this topic in order to access the hidden content.
  • Navigate to the URL provided
  • Format your query for the generator. For example, if you want to generate amazon gift cards (AS25-NJZ1JX-CZCP5) you would use the query ****-******-*****
  • Select an amount of serials to generate
  • Submit the query and wait a bit, your download should start automatically.
Link to Tool

  [Image: wub.png]  All feedback is appreciated. Contact me if you need assistance. [Image: wub.png]

thanks for sharing.... thinking
This post is by a banned member (kekemon) - Unhide
5 Years of service
thanks let me check
This post is by a banned member (Trident) - Unhide
This post is by a banned member (Trident) - Unhide
This post is by a banned member (ripflopper) - Unhide

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