17 August, 2020 - 11:16 PM(This post was last modified: 17 August, 2020 - 11:32 PM by R3born. Edited 1 time in total.)
GLWS also DMed you Received a vouch copy from @Alex
Seller: 10/10, Super friendly and quick to respond, no problems getting a VC and he would be very willing to help you out with any problems you encounter :)
Method: 8.5/10 Honestly I would think that it would work with SOME people, as the author says in the ebook. The first method seems like it would work (might update when I do the method). it will not work 100% of the time, but that doesn't matter, if it works even once, you will profit. the second method: also seems like it would work, and again, if it works just once, you will profit.
support: 10/10 As said in the seller comment, very friendly and willing to help :)
- There are two methods, if you don't like one of them
- The first method requires you to actually see the porn which might disgust some people.
- Honestly very simple to do, you can't get it wrong.
18 August, 2020 - 05:46 PM(This post was last modified: 18 August, 2020 - 05:53 PM by God.)
Big Vouch for e-book
Method: 9/10
e-book is very good written and designed and there are two methods, not only one so if you fail with first one you can always do the second method and enjoy your profit.
You wonder why ebook isn't 10/10, right?
So answer is simple, when gou find some pedo, they aren't always friendly and lot of times you need to listen their sh*t and watch picures you don't want. Support and seller : 10/10 very helpful and friendly, recommended