OP 20 April, 2020 - 07:43 AM
(20 April, 2020 - 12:35 AM)zebi44 Wrote: Show MoreNo leaching sir(16 December, 2019 - 03:10 PM)Hans694 Wrote: Show More
Free advanced and modern Windows botnet with a nice and secure PHP panel built using VB.NET.
About BlackNET
Free advanced and modern Windows botnet with a nice and secure PHP panel built using VB.NET.
this botnet controller comes with a lot of features and the most secure panel for free
Developed By: Black.Hacker
What You Can Do
- Upload File
- Open Webpage [Visiable, Hidden]
- Show MessageBox
- Take Screenshot
- Steal Firefox Cookies
- Steal Saved Passwords
- Steal Chrome Cookies
- Execute Scripts
- Keylogger
- Computer operations [ Restart, Shutdown, Logout ]
- Uninstall Client
- Move Client
- Blacklist Client
- Update Client
- Close Client
- PHP >= 5.6
- NET Framework
- Stub >= 2.0
- Builder >= 4.0
How to Install PHP Panel
- Clone the Repo
- Compress BlackNET panel folder and upload it to your hosting
- Create a database with any name you want
- Change the data in classes/database.php
- Change files and folders permission to 777 [ Uploads Folder]
- Go to install.php to create the botnet tables automatically[shoppy][/shoppy]
What's New:-
- Now the PHP Panel is compatiable with 000webhost
- Added the Ability to disable the panel
- Using PHPMailer is not required
- Better and Cleaner Code
- CSRF Protection
- Session Hijacking Protection
- XSS Protection
- Added viewuploads.php to view uploads folder
- Better and Faster Connection Method
- Check if Client is from USB Infection
- UI Enhancements
- Better Session handling
- Securing session with the password and current IP
- Better redirection handling
- Remover Clinet Folder after Executing Uninstall
- New Menues [ Execute Scripts ]
- Update PHPMailer to 6.1.4
- Merged Login and Auth in one Class
- Self Expire 2FA Code after 10 minutes
- Self Expire Forget Password Token after 10 minutes
- Added Scripts Folder to Manage Execute Scripts Function
- Better Command Receive System
- Better, Cleaner and Faster Authentication System
- View Encrypted Passwords in a Table [Website,Username,Password]
- Added check if client is admin
- Added gethostbyname() function to sendcommand.php
- Fixed some Database Issues
+ Merged question with admin tables
- New POST Class to Handle Socket Requests
+ Prepare Objects
+ Validate Strings
+ Write to a File
- Rewrite All Menues
- Update Bootstrap to 4.4.1
- Bug Fixes
- Added check panel function
- One Webclient to rule them all
- Update .NET Framework for the Builder 2.0 to 4.0
- Update Mono.Cecil to v0.11.1
- Better and Cleaner Code
- Better Client Update System
- Added Self Destroy to Uninstall Function
- UI Enhancements
- Added Chrome Cookies Stealer
- Update PasswordStealer DLL
+ DLL is now less the 30kb and 1/26 FUD
+ DLL does not use Nirsoft tools
+ Comes with Chrome Stealer and FileZilla Stealer
+ Modified to Steal from All Chrome-based Browsers
- Speed Optimization
- Update Checker
- Added schtask function
+ choose between startup or schtask
- Encrypted C2 Connection (Base64)
- Bind and Execute File with output ( Dropper )
- Dropbox Spread
- Fix DDOS Bugs { IP Only }
- Elevate Client ( UAC )
- Added Obfuscate output using ConfuserEx
- Fixed some RSA Encryption Bugs
- Restart Client Connection
- Execute Script
+ bat
+ vbs
+ ps1
- Computer Commands
+ Shutdown
+ Restart
+ Logoff
- Bug Fixes
I, the creator and all those associated with the development and production of this program are not responsible for any actions and or damages caused by this software. You bear the full responsibility of your actions and acknowledge that this software was created for educational purposes only. This software's intended purpose is NOT to be used maliciously, or on any system that you do not have own or have explicit permission to operate and use this program on. By using this software, you automatically agree to the above.
This project is licensed under the MIT License
Copyright Black.Hacker - 2020
Nice one Looks good