OP 02 November, 2020 - 09:06 PM
Just hit 1500 Likes Last night and got 150 Rep the other night.
Working towards godlike so this is great 3/4 the way there.
Special thanks to all the people in sb who are always here spreading positive vibes like @BuuzaManager and @Rattlesnake
Obviously there are plenty more, but you guys are all great people and are always spreading positivity and greatness on the site.
As Always I gotta plug my boy @SelfMade Without him and his checkers I wouldn't be able to post shit so,
As well as @Kojixus for just dealing with my autism.
Anyway thanks to everyone, and to 50 more rep and 500 more likes
Working towards godlike so this is great 3/4 the way there.
Special thanks to all the people in sb who are always here spreading positive vibes like @BuuzaManager and @Rattlesnake
Obviously there are plenty more, but you guys are all great people and are always spreading positivity and greatness on the site.
As Always I gotta plug my boy @
As well as @Kojixus for just dealing with my autism.
Anyway thanks to everyone, and to 50 more rep and 500 more likes