Dear Cracked Users,

We observed numerous threads being shared that essentially served as advertisements, lacking a real emphasis on content. While we recognize the importance of incentivizing content posting, there's a need for regulation to maintain the quality of the threads shared. To address this, we sought feedback from the community on the rules through this thread: https://cracked.io/Thread-Staff-Request-...Guidelines.

The following rules will apply from the time of this post and won't be retrospective.

We're now implementing new guidelines for sponsored content:

Allowed Sponsored Post Rules:

1. You are only allowed to put the following line at the top: "This content is sponsored by [Your Service Name]." No pictures, designs, or service descriptions are allowed here.
 Note: A redirect link can only be added on [Your Service Name] and redirected to cracked.io sales thread, your business website/storefront/ Business telegram or Discord groups.

See the example of an allowed sponsored thread here: https://cracked.io/Thread-Staff-Sponsored-content

2. Paste Sites: If you want to include an ad on your paste link, you are only allowed to put the following line at the top: "This content is sponsored by [Your Service Name]." No pictures, designs, or service descriptions are allowed here.

    Note: A redirect link can only be added on [Your Service Name] and redirected to cracked.io sales thread, your business website/storefront/ Business telegram or Discord groups.

    Example: If you are posting a guide on using ChatGPT on a paste site, it should start with:

    First Line: This content is sponsored by [Your Service Name].

    Content: This is how you use ChatGPT.

What You Can’t Do:

1. Getting paid to advertise someone else's service is not allowed. You can only advertise services that you own, violation of this rule may result in account indefinite account suspension.
Note: You can only get paid to advertise other services in your signature space, and since signature space is visible on the thread as well, your signature will be more valuable if you make good threads.

2. No Hidden misleading advertisement: You can’t put hidden advertisement links anywhere in your post including the hidden content area.
For example, don’t say "Click here for free stuff" and link it to your business.

3. Any text advertisement, other than the line allowed above is prohibited.

4. No service name/advertisement is allowed in the title of the thread.

5. Only the content-related text and links are allowed in the hidden content area (no other text/redirects are allowed in the hidden content area).
Note: Many users have been adding redirects to their profiles or businesses in the hidden content area, which is now strictly prohibited. If you want to include a message like "Click here for more content" that redirects to your profile, you may only do this at the end/footer of your thread.

6. Anything that is outside the scope of the allowed section is prohibited.

We hope these rules will improve the quality of threads while still providing advert incentives to the OP.

Best Regards,