OP 19 July, 2023 - 07:38 PM
Rules for Sponsored Posts - We Want to Hear From You
Thank you for being a part of this platform. Your ongoing support and feedback help us improve and succeed.
In 2023, we know it’s important to give users a reason to contribute. We also want to manage sponsored posts so that they don’t annoy or mislead you. Right now, too many threads look like ads rather than genuine posts.
Needless to say but since some high iq members asked, the following suggested rules will only apply from a future date and won't be retrospective.
Allowed Sponsored Post Rules:
1. Main Focus on Content: Your post should mainly be about the topic you are discussing. If you want to include an ad, you are only allowed to put the following line at the top: "This content is sponsored by [Your Service Name]." No pictures or designs are allowed here.
Note: A redirect link can only be added on [Your Service Name] and can only be redirected to cracked.io sales thread or your business website/storefront. No Telegram or Discord groups are allowed. If you want to link to Telegram or Discord, put those links on your cracked.io sales thread.
2. Paste Sites: If you want to include an ad on your paste link, you are only allowed to put the following line at the top: "This content is sponsored by [Your Service Name]." No pictures or designs are allowed here.
Note: A redirect link can only be added on [Your Service Name] and can only be redirected to cracked.io sales thread or your business website/storefront. No Telegram or Discord groups are allowed. If you want to link to Telegram or Discord, put those links on your cracked.io sales thread.
Example: If you are posting a guide on using ChatGPT on a paste site, it should start with:
First Line: This content is sponsored by [Your Service Name].
Content: This is how you use ChatGPT.
What You Can’t Do:
1. Getting paid to advertise someone else's service is not allowed. You can only advertise services that you own.
Note: You can only get paid to advertise other services in your signature space, and since signature space is visible on the thread as well, your signature will be more valuable if you make good threads.
2. No Hidden misleading advertisement: You can’t put hidden advertisement links anywhere in your post including the hidden content area.
For example, don’t say "Click here for free stuff" and link it to your business.
3. Any text regarding advertisement, other than the line allowed above is prohibited.
Thank you for being a part of this platform. Your ongoing support and feedback help us improve and succeed.
In 2023, we know it’s important to give users a reason to contribute. We also want to manage sponsored posts so that they don’t annoy or mislead you. Right now, too many threads look like ads rather than genuine posts.
Needless to say but since some high iq members asked, the following suggested rules will only apply from a future date and won't be retrospective.
Allowed Sponsored Post Rules:
1. Main Focus on Content: Your post should mainly be about the topic you are discussing. If you want to include an ad, you are only allowed to put the following line at the top: "This content is sponsored by [Your Service Name]." No pictures or designs are allowed here.
Note: A redirect link can only be added on [Your Service Name] and can only be redirected to cracked.io sales thread or your business website/storefront. No Telegram or Discord groups are allowed. If you want to link to Telegram or Discord, put those links on your cracked.io sales thread.
2. Paste Sites: If you want to include an ad on your paste link, you are only allowed to put the following line at the top: "This content is sponsored by [Your Service Name]." No pictures or designs are allowed here.
Note: A redirect link can only be added on [Your Service Name] and can only be redirected to cracked.io sales thread or your business website/storefront. No Telegram or Discord groups are allowed. If you want to link to Telegram or Discord, put those links on your cracked.io sales thread.
Example: If you are posting a guide on using ChatGPT on a paste site, it should start with:
First Line: This content is sponsored by [Your Service Name].
Content: This is how you use ChatGPT.
What You Can’t Do:
1. Getting paid to advertise someone else's service is not allowed. You can only advertise services that you own.
Note: You can only get paid to advertise other services in your signature space, and since signature space is visible on the thread as well, your signature will be more valuable if you make good threads.
2. No Hidden misleading advertisement: You can’t put hidden advertisement links anywhere in your post including the hidden content area.
For example, don’t say "Click here for free stuff" and link it to your business.
3. Any text regarding advertisement, other than the line allowed above is prohibited.
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