I was scammed yesterday from a 150 rep and 700 likes member for 58$ paypal  KSZ

Here's the full scam report : https://cracked.io/Thread-Scam-report-against-Zupo  scam

He confirmed his discord tag on private message and after he scammed he deleted all the messages and changed his discord tag
Then he claimed that it was an impersonator and not him  Nooo

Hopefully he was too stupid and didn't think about transfering his main discord tag that he confirmed on private message to a new account after he changed it 
So I stole the main confirmed discord tag and made my friend take it as a proof
And now he got his account banned and I opened a case on PayPal

So in summary we could avoid getting scammed this way by using a trusted MiddleMan even if it will delay the transaction a bit and may cost extra fees ( always confirm on forum )

Or if the user you are trading with is a highly trusted member and you don't want to use a middleman then atleast take a video of all messages with his discord tag and addy and everything before you send anything, just in case he delete the messages and change discord tag
If it's a low amount and his account worth more he will probably refund to avoid losing his account
but yeah the first option is mostly  the best
Hope you learn from my mistakes and take it as a lesson, always use a middleman or  never go first  gigachad