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by Pallmall - 18 October, 2021 - 07:21 PM
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(18 October, 2021 - 07:21 PM)Pallmall Wrote: Show More

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ap lit
Updated automatically every 5 minutes1. The Victorian era was characterized by increased wealth, political
* 2 points
stability and
• a. Strict cultural norms
• b. Loose moral values
• c. Inter-class rebellion
• d. A decline in sexism
2. What does the word melodrama literally mean? *
• a. Everyday drama
• b. Tragic drama
• c. Realistic grama
D. musical drama
3. Which of these is NOT a characteristic of melodrama? *
• a. Exaggerated emotions
• b. Fight or action sequences
• c. Complex, nuanced characters
• d. Generally happy endings
4. Which of the following statements accurately describes the childhood of * 2 points
Oscar Wilde?
• a. His father is a prominent English aristocrat
• b. His mother is a radical Irish nationalist
• c. His father was college professor who specializes in Greek antiquity.
• d. He received a basic public education because his family was poor.
5. The period of history known as "fin de siecle" occurred during what span * 2 points of years?
• a. 1780 - 1810.
b. 1830 - 1850
c. 1860 - 1880
d. 1890 - 1910
• e. 1910 - 1930|
6. Melodrama first became popular after what major history event?
• a The French Revolution
• b. World War i
• s. The American Civil War
• d The Enlightenment
7. The event that signaled the end of the "fin de siecle" era? *
• a. The French Revolution
• b. World War I
• c. World War II
• d. The War of 1812
8. The overriding feeling in society during the period known as "fin de siecle" was:
* 2 points
a. a sense that the end of the world is near
b. an unbridled feeling of optimism about the future
• c. a belief that society had become too secularized
d. a desire to reconnect with the natural world
9. Where was Oscar Wilde born? *
• a. Dublin in 1856.
• b. England in 1856.
• c. Scotland in 1854
• d. London in 1856.
10. The term 'zeitgeist' comes from German and means: *
• a. 'a ghost in the machine"
b. "the spirit of the age"
c. 'a moment out of time"
• d. "a spiritual rebirth"
11. Which of the following contribute to an understanding of zeitgeist? *
• a. philosophical theories of an era
b. artistic movements of an era
c. cultural trends of an era
d. religious sentiments of an era
e. all of the above
12. Hedonism is the philosophy proposing that the most important quest * 2 points in life is the pursuit of:
• a. Truth
• b. Beauty
• c. Wisdom
d. Pleasure
13. What literary form of writing is Oscar Wilde best known for? *
a. Novels
b. Plays
c. Poems
D. short stories
14. Which of the following individuals was NOT an influential thinker during * 2 points the era known as fin de siecle?
a. Karl Marx
b. Sigmund Freud
c. John Locke
• d. Charles Darwin.
15. The expression 'fin de siecle' comes from French and means: *
a. "end of the century"
b. "dawning of a new age"
C. final event
D. age of reason
16. Which of the following best defines the Aesthetic movement? *
2 pointe
a. "Art for art's sake"
• b. '"Less is more"
• c. 'Art expresses truth"
• d. "Art is a form of imitation)
17. All of the following statements accurately describe the characteristics of Aestheticism EXCEPT which one?
• a. As a reaction to the conservatism and restrictive moral and social codes of the
Victorian age
• b. Elevate art over life, to allow art to stand independently.
c. Art should be judged for its unique beauty rather than its function as a tool for moral education.
• d. Art is a mirror to reality and should truthfully depict its subject.
• e. Art is a form of escapism and a means of obtaining unlimited pleasure.
18. Which of the characters in the novel most directly espouses the values of Aestheticism?
• a. Lord Henry
• b. Basil Hallward
• c. Dorian Gray
• d. Sibyl Vane
• e. Lady Narborough
19. Which character best represents the characteristics of a 'dandy'? *
• a. Alan Campbell
b. Basil Hallward
• c. Lord Henry Wotton
d. James Vane
20. Women in the Victorian era were supposed to be... *
• a. Highly educated at colleges.
• b. Working independently in industry and small businesses.
• c. Dedicating their time to the church.
d. Staying at home and caring for children.
2 points
21. How did the upper class view the poor in Victorian England? *
2 points
• a. They took great pity on the poor.
• b. They believed the poor should be put into free public housing and given free
• c. They believed the poor were responsible for their own misfortune.
• d. They believed that the poor should be the concern of the church.
22. Which of the following social causes did Oscar Wilde publicly support? * 4 points
a. Women's equality and suffragette movement
b. Irish nationalism and independence from England
c. Socialism and governmental support of the working class
d. Illegalizing opium dens and providing addiction treatment centers
e. Decriminalization of homosexuality
23. What is the ultimate fate of characters who make Faustian Bargains?
a. Defeat and punishment
b. Victory and reward
• c. Redemption and forgiveness
d. Enlightenment and wisdom
24. In Jungian psychology, the ego is best described by which of the following statements?
a. It is our sense of individuality and the conscious part of our mind where the conflict between social expectations and hidden desires occurs.
b. It conceals our real self, presenting ourselves as someone more socially acceptable and different to who we really are.
c. It is the unknown dark side of the personality of which we are often unaware.
d. It is the unconscious part of the mind sometimes revealed in dreams.
25. In Jungian psychology, the persona is best described by which of the following statements?
a. It is our sense of individuality and the conscious part of our mind where the conflict between social expectations and hidden desires occurs.
b. It conceals our real self, presenting ourselves as someone more socially acceptable and different to who we really are.
• c. It is the unknown dark side of the personality of which we are often unaware.
• d. It is the unconscious part of the mind sometimes revealed in dreams.
26. In melodramas, which of the following is NOT one of the typical six characters types:
* 2 points
a. the mean villain
b. the clown
c. the faithful friend
d. the con man
e. the sensitive hero
27. What is a Faustian Bargain? *
2 points
a. A deal with an oracle of God
b. A deal with a wizard or genie
c. A deal with the devil
• d. A deal with the tax collector
28. Which of the following Greek myths are alluded to in describing Dorian * 4 points
a. Narcissus
• b. Dionysus
• c. Adonis
d. Prometheus
口 Other.
29. Dorian's tear that "the life that was to make his soul would mar his body” emphasizes Wilde's philosophical notion that:
A. the essence of life is detached from the physical body.
B. beauty should not be a central element in a person's life.
C. a person's physical appearance mirrors a human being's life experience.
D. the beauty of the soul exceeds the beauty of the physical body.
E. the value of the physical body transcends the needs of the human soul.
30. The "hand of ice" Dorian feels being laid upon his heart functions as a metaphor for Dorian's:
A. anticipation as the painting reaches completion.
B. increasing susceptibility to Lord Henry's influence.
C. growing awareness of the inevitability of aging and death.
D. fear that his life experiences will inevitably be cut short by death.
E. dissatisfaction with a picture that cannot accurately predict or reflect his aging.
31. The main purpose of the passage introducing Dorian's desire to trade places with the picture is to:
* 2 points
A. introduce the Faustian bargain.
B. show Dorian's superficial nature.
C. demonstrate how much he has been influenced by Lord Henry.
D. foreshadow the changing relationship between Dorian and Basil.
E. illustrate Wilde's view of Aestheticism.
32. Dorian's tone when he discusses the painting can best be characterized as:
A. shy and insecure.
B. careless and indifferent.
C. romantic and idealistic.
D. desperate and frantic.
E. self-assured and confident.
33. When Lord Henry tells Basil that this "is the real Dorian Gray, he implies * 2 points that Dorian:
A. is the most beautiful man he has ever seen.
B. does not accept the fact that he can never be as beautiful as the portrait.
C. has been overwhelmed by the long hours of sitting for Basil.
D. cannot hide his dislike of Basil any longer.
E. is a narcissistic and insecure young man.
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