(This post was last modified: 19 February, 2024 - 10:09 AM by Fooktard69. Edited 1 time in total.)
So I don’t know I’ve always had to fucking look for something like this, but I’ve never been able to find it so hypothetically right so you’re trying to take that you know you’re trying to say make an account for somebody which you gotta take a picture of their ID but they want the live version of right, so what if you have the ability to just use the picture in your phone and it believes it’s the fucking live picture under never been able to find a program or script or anything that’s actually like that so let’s just say hypothetically like I had one of those now would that be something people would be interested in hit me up here or hit up my discord @spedcialedd and we can talk about it I’ll get video proof here shortly it’s also built for an iPad so It’s most likely be easier on a android and it will link with most browsers Firefox edge chrom brave safari