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Trikker v1.5.88

by bluebits - 15 February, 2024 - 01:12 PM
This post is by a banned member (domenico33) - Unhide
(This post was last modified: 08 April, 2024 - 03:34 PM by domenico33.)
(15 February, 2024 - 09:57 PM)bluebits Wrote: Show More
(15 February, 2024 - 05:54 PM)GigaTexel Wrote: Show More
Thanks. I managed to crack it too, but by altering stuff at runtime. I didn't have the patience to disable all protection measures :-)

That's what I would have done too if the crack was solely for myself. I initially cracked the program for a relative, so I had to make sure it was easy to install and would keep on working. Kurt really tried to protect his software. Disguising the various security checks as ordinary functions, and at the same time making it look so easy. It took a ton of patches in different places to create this crack, and I'm not completely sure I got everything.

Thank you dear sir !

can anyone share a working link with me? can also in pm 

thanks in advice !! [Image: ?]
This post is by a banned member (lander182) - Unhide
Thx bro
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thankx man
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Merci pour le partage
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(15 February, 2024 - 01:12 PM)bluebits Wrote: Show More
[font][font]Trikker v1.5.88 [/font][/font]

[font][font]Il s'agit actuellement de la dernière version de Trikker. J'ai craqué ce programme il y a longtemps pour un usage personnel, mais après avoir constaté l'intérêt qu'il suscite sur ce forum, je suis heureux de le partager. Cela a demandé beaucoup de travail, alors j'espère que vous l'apprécierez. Je le partage pour les personnes qui ont besoin de réaliser un dessin électrique unique. Si vous l'utilisez professionnellement, veuillez acheter le programme pour soutenir son développement. S'il vous plaît laissez-moi savoir si vous rencontrez des problèmes, le programme est criblé de contrôles de sécurité, j'ai donc peut-être manqué quelque chose. Bonne chance avec vos eendraadschema ! [/font][/font]

[font][font]Les modifications que j'ai faites :[/font][/font]
  • [font][font]Suppression des vérifications de licence, du code anti-débogage, des bombes à retardement, des vérifications de signature de fichiers[/font][/font]
  • [font][font]Connectivité réseau désactivée, mais c'est toujours une bonne idée de pare-feu pour l'application au cas où[/font][/font]
  • [font][font]Fichiers fissurés reconditionnés dans le programme d'installation d'origine pour une installation facile[/font][/font]
  • [font][font]TeamViewer supprimé du programme d'installation pour réduire la taille de 2,5x[/font][/font]

[font][font]Problèmes connus:[/font][/font]
  • [font][font]Ne fonctionne pas sur les systèmes 32 bits, uniquement sur les systèmes 64 bits. Je n'ai tout simplement pas pris la peine de cracker la bibliothèque 32 bits. Si tu veux ça, je pourrais me mettre au travail.[/font][/font]
  • [font][font]Le bouton Paramètres « OK » ne peut pas être cliqué, mais les paramètres sont automatiquement enregistrés. Je suis en train d'y réfléchir.[/font][/font]

[font][font]Le développeur supprime activement les liens. Veuillez essayer toutes les solutions ci-dessous, si aucune ne fonctionne plus, envoyez-moi un message privé et je la téléchargerai vers d'autres endroits.[/font][/font]
This post is by a banned member (Ploppertje) - Unhide
(This post was last modified: 10 April, 2024 - 05:06 PM by Ploppertje.)
Thank you so much

Can someone post a working link to this please?
This post is by a banned member (Jerronibate) - Unhide
(15 February, 2024 - 01:12 PM)bluebits Wrote: Show More
Trikker v1.5.88

This is currently the latest version of Trikker. I cracked this program ages ago for personal use, but after seeing interest in it on this forum I'm glad to share. It took a lot of work so I hope you guys enjoy it. I'm sharing it for people who need to make a one off electrical drawing, if you use it professionally please buy the program to support its development. Please let me know if you find any issues, the program is riddled with security checks so I might have missed something. Good luck with your eendraadschema's!

The modifications I made:
  • Removed license checks, anti-debugging code, time bombs, file signature checks
  • Disabled network connectivity, but it's still a good idea to firewall the app just in case
  • Repacked cracked files back into original installer for easy installation
  • Removed teamviewer from installer to reduce size by 2.5x

Known issues:
  • Doesn't work on 32-bit systems, only 64-bit. I just didn't bother to crack the 32-bit library. If you want this, I might put in the work.
  • Settings "OK" button can't be clicked, but settings are saved automatically. I'm looking into it.

The developer is actively taking down links. Please try all of those below, if none work anymore PM me and I'll upload to more places.
Thanks alot, it's a great program but a bit expensive for  1 time use
This post is by a banned member (WoodenTable) - Unhide
Great work. Needed this.

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