If you are thinking of a real project via the Internet that will help you change your life and achieve profits exceeding $ 2000, then this article is for you, my friend, as I present to you a step-by-step method for creating a website to upload files and how you will achieve great profits through ads.

What is unique in this field is that it does not require a large capital, so it will be suitable for every beginner, God willing, and you will not need any programming experience or additional skills to accomplish it, because I will teach you everything in detail.

How does this site work and how do I earn from it?

Certainly, you have previously seen the field of profit from uploading files. In that field, you will shorten files and publish them in order to bring downloads to your files and thus additional profits. As for this method today, you will be the owner of the site itself, meaning that you will not publish any file or link, only you will tell people about your site And they will work on it and make small profits that you offer them, while you will achieve great profits, especially by adding ads to your site.

Simply, when creating a site to upload files, your main profit will be watching and clicking on ads, and not publishing files, so that is what those who work on your site will do.
Requirements for creating a site for profit from uploading files
Buy a professional domain for your site

You must choose a strong professional domain related to the field of file uploading in order for your site to succeed, my dear brother. This will help your site to become a brand and be easy to remember later for users so that they return to it many times.
Powerful hosting to upload files on hosting

We must use strong hosting for our site, and here I warn against the use of free hosting, as it will never be useful, contrary to what some bloggers or YouTube channel owners promote, because once your site becomes famous and has a good number of visitors, the hosting will not work and will lead to the loss of your profits, my dear brother .

Here I recommend hosting from the wonderful Hostgator site, which is characterized by excellent prices and a discount of more than 61 percent with the use of the SUPER2020 coupon, as well as a free domain when choosing the annual plan.

Publish your site and bring users to it

Of course, to profit from designing a site to upload files, and because your site is new, my dear brother, you must publicize it among visitors to bring people to work on it, and the easiest way to advertise for this type of profitable site is to use marketing through influencers, especially the owners of YouTube channels specialized in the field of making money, such as the channel The earnings blog, for example, also publishes in the powerful Instagram accounts that are interested in the field of self-motivation and wealth.
I am working on finding the best ways to make money from the Internet and share it with everyone who is interested in working on the Internet and likes to make passive income.