Liquid Discord Checker
Decided to write a checker with my checker library Exceptional.
The combo checker
The combo checker checks combinations at We currently have 4 captcha solving services available:
The combo checker MIGHT contain a few bugs here and there, tho i've patched every bug i could find.
The token checker
The token checker checks tokens at
It has supprot for "basic" checks, which just check if the tokens are valid at all.
It also has support for "advanced" checks, which makes it also check if the accounts are locked.
Some rough benchmarks
Basic checks take about 10 seconds to complete.
Advanced checks will often take around a minute, because of proxies possibly failing after the first request.
These benchmarks have been tested with 524 tokens on 100 threads, and have used ProxyScrape SOCKS4 proxies.
3rd party dependencies- Anarchy, an opensource Discord API wrapper that focuses on making bot/selfbot programming easy.
- Exceptional, a library aiming to make it easier to write checkers.
- Newtonsoft.Json, a popular high-performence JSON framework for .NET.
You can download Liquid here: