A free and easy to use Discord Selfbot - Made by Current#0927 in node.js
How do i use it?
Put your token on the folder Config, open the file config.json and edit the token. You can edit the prefix and PSN Playing and shit.
Features :
ban - Bans anyone in the server if you have permissions to.
emoji - Adds an emoji if you paste a URL link to it.
eval - Basically a calculator - example - 1239+12941
help - Sends a list of all the commands t o the console
kick - Kicks anyone in the server if you have permissions to.
me - Embeds anything you say.
nick - Changes your nickname in a server.
paste - Paste anything if its in ./config/paste.json
ping - Shows your ping.
playing - Sets your playing status to anything you specify.
prune - Deletes the amount of messages you specify.
streaming - Sets your streaming status to anything you specify.
Download :
Reporting leechers so dont leech