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Dispute against @SirHugs

by kubaa213769420 - 07 September, 2022 - 04:19 AM
This post is by a banned member (kubaa213769420) - Unhide
2 Years of service
Scammers Profile Link:
Sales Thread:
Amount or Item(s) Scammed: 35$, month of time trying to make this work.
Screenshots of Communication:

I can send more if needed. Those just show how he procrastrinated on verification images. And a talk we had about tiers, and packs back then when I bought ebook.
Additional Information:
There are many problems with this ebook, offer, method or whatever you call it. Let's look at the ad:

Verification images - True, he can make some if you ask him about it. But I felt like i was lied to or he just procrastrinated. I had to ask him 4-5 days in a row to do it, and each he said he's gonna do it in a sec or a bit. Which I don't mind. But It's 4-5 days. I understand people have their lives. But to me saying "in a sec" for 5 days straight is a lie. He could have just said he has irl stuff without details and would gladly wait.

300GB in EW Packs - I dont recall this exactly BUT, when I joined there wasn't any of them. I don't have screenshot of this channel on discord but I do have screenshot when I was talking with him about it. I told him it's not as it was advertised. He uploaded it like a week a go from now, not even that. and I bought this ebook around 10 august. They are also said to be UHQ quality, but that's not true they are just packs dumped from probably.

Help videos and lot more - There is only one video, and it's not really how to deal with traffic from the script but rather how to fire it up, ONLY. Half of the video shows how he sets up hotkeys on his keyboard, that's it. It doesn't really help how to deal with traffic etc. which is the most important thing here. There are 3 screenshots with a random guy presumably from the traffic. It doesn't show anything, how to deal with certain situations etc. Stuff like this a kid could do.

He defends two points above just by saying that i got it in the end but holy hell after so much time? He shouldn't advertise stuff we don't really get instantly or a bit fast, because 5 days is definitely not nice. ( I would understand it if he said he has irl stuff, but he procrastinated by saying hes gonna do it in a bit)

Three tiers, bronze, silver, gold. - I bought BRONZE. This is gonna sound weird, and I'm not complaining, just trying to expose this. All people across all tiers receive same stuff and mentorship. There are additional modules in the silver THAT I have in bronze. I don't complain but sounds like a scam to guys who bought more expensive tiers. He defends this point by saying that this is explained in silver and gold ebooks but does it matter? I have same modules (scripts) as them in the folder and lots of people can read the code today so could implement it anyway. Onlyfans and group invite modules from the silver? I have them while I'm bronze. Also wtf is this "Trafficbot w/ 23 rotating se modules" - I have 3 modules only , and additional ones from silver (which I shouldn't have). He definitely knows about this issue.

The only thing this guy has against me that I "earned money already". Not really, got that money on hold. Look, if I was earning 80$+ daily like in the title  of this thread I wouldn't be even complaining and just forget about the whole thing. Even if I earned 80$ just one time, i wouldn't care about 35$ i've spent on this, but I didn't.

Not earning money is NOT the ONLY issue here anyway. I request a refund.

Crypto address for a refund:
LTC - LhT1BgdrqFmNumjCRHbZENUXrDRGwnbdH9
USDT on ETH network - 0x1526f1e22dF143bFA584394Fb7fE14eE69fC19BF
or just refund paypal payment.
This post is by a banned member (Leechometer) - Unhide
5 Years of service
System bot message: @SirHugs (SirHugs) has been notified about this dispute via private messages and has 24hours to reply in this thread
[Image: Banner.gif]
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This post is by a banned member (SirHugs) - Unhide
4 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 07 September, 2022 - 10:48 PM by SirHugs.)
Are you fucking kidding me? You earned 50$ and I caught you lying about it, your constantly lying for a refund. Like read that "Dont tell sirhugs so I can get a refund"

Also all of those were always supplied, like are you fucked like ask anyone in the server.

 "Verification images - True, he can make some if you ask him about it. But I felt like i was lied to or he just procrastrinated. I had to ask him 4-5 days in a row to do it, and each he said he's gonna do it in a sec or a bit. Which I don't mind. But It's 4-5 days. I understand people have their lives. But to me saying "in a sec" for 5 days straight is a lie. He could have just said he has irl stuff without details and would gladly wait."

How would I lie or procrastinate it, I have a life I had to edit an ID for you. That takes time and I have other requests I have to deal with first, the world doesnt revolve around you. I have things to do and I still did it.

"300GB in EW Packs - I dont recall this exactly BUT, when I joined there wasn't any of them. I don't have screenshot of this channel on discord but I do have screenshot when I was talking with him about it. I told him it's not as it was advertised. He uploaded it like a week a go from now, not even that. and I bought this ebook around 10 august. They are also said to be UHQ quality, but that's not true they are just packs dumped from probably."

This was always here or you wouldnt of been able to start. And there is 300gb currently in the server, I got termed twice as why they were down some times. Its alot to reupload, also they all have verification pictures as why I call them UHQ because theyre really good.

"Help videos and lot more - There is only one video, and it's not really how to deal with traffic from the script but rather how to fire it up, ONLY. Half of the video shows how he sets up hotkeys on his keyboard, that's it. It doesn't really help how to deal with traffic etc. which is the most important thing here. There are 3 screenshots with a random guy presumably from the traffic. It doesn't show anything, how to deal with certain situations etc. Stuff like this a kid could do."

The video was to help you set it up and, and to run the bot, Also the demonstrations were there to help you deal with traffic.

Like why are you lying, I caught you so many times. Your saying litterally anything, first you say dont tell me. Then when I bring it up to you, you say its on hold, then your holder sent me a ss saying he earned and not to refund you because your being annoying to him too. Then I messaged you about that and now your saying its from another traffic source, like simply stop lying.

Not just that the entire time, your just insulting me the entire time calling me the n-word ect.

(07 September, 2022 - 04:19 AM)kubaa213769420 Wrote: Show More
Scammers Profile Link:
Sales Thread:
Amount or Item(s) Scammed: 35$, month of time trying to make this work.
Screenshots of Communication:

I can send more if needed. Those just show how he procrastrinated on verification images. And a talk we had about tiers, and packs back then when I bought ebook.
Additional Information:
There are many problems with this ebook, offer, method or whatever you call it. Let's look at the ad:

Verification images - True, he can make some if you ask him about it. But I felt like i was lied to or he just procrastrinated. I had to ask him 4-5 days in a row to do it, and each he said he's gonna do it in a sec or a bit. Which I don't mind. But It's 4-5 days. I understand people have their lives. But to me saying "in a sec" for 5 days straight is a lie. He could have just said he has irl stuff without details and would gladly wait.

300GB in EW Packs - I dont recall this exactly BUT, when I joined there wasn't any of them. I don't have screenshot of this channel on discord but I do have screenshot when I was talking with him about it. I told him it's not as it was advertised. He uploaded it like a week a go from now, not even that. and I bought this ebook around 10 august. They are also said to be UHQ quality, but that's not true they are just packs dumped from probably.

Help videos and lot more - There is only one video, and it's not really how to deal with traffic from the script but rather how to fire it up, ONLY. Half of the video shows how he sets up hotkeys on his keyboard, that's it. It doesn't really help how to deal with traffic etc. which is the most important thing here. There are 3 screenshots with a random guy presumably from the traffic. It doesn't show anything, how to deal with certain situations etc. Stuff like this a kid could do.

He defends two points above just by saying that i got it in the end but holy hell after so much time? He shouldn't advertise stuff we don't really get instantly or a bit fast, because 5 days is definitely not nice. ( I would understand it if he said he has irl stuff, but he procrastinated by saying hes gonna do it in a bit)

Three tiers, bronze, silver, gold. - I bought BRONZE. This is gonna sound weird, and I'm not complaining, just trying to expose this. All people across all tiers receive same stuff and mentorship. There are additional modules in the silver THAT I have in bronze. I don't complain but sounds like a scam to guys who bought more expensive tiers. He defends this point by saying that this is explained in silver and gold ebooks but does it matter? I have same modules (scripts) as them in the folder and lots of people can read the code today so could implement it anyway. Onlyfans and group invite modules from the silver? I have them while I'm bronze. Also wtf is this "Trafficbot w/ 23 rotating se modules" - I have 3 modules only , and additional ones from silver (which I shouldn't have). He definitely knows about this issue.

The only thing this guy has against me that I "earned money already". Not really, got that money on hold. Look, if I was earning 80$+ daily like in the title  of this thread I wouldn't be even complaining and just forget about the whole thing. Even if I earned 80$ just one time, i wouldn't care about 35$ i've spent on this, but I didn't.

Not earning money is NOT the ONLY issue here anyway. I request a refund.

Crypto address for a refund:
LTC - LhT1BgdrqFmNumjCRHbZENUXrDRGwnbdH9
USDT on ETH network - 0x1526f1e22dF143bFA584394Fb7fE14eE69fC19BF
or just refund paypal payment.

Also you never asked for help, with managing traffic like your constantly just asking for a refund. Even though I caught you earning, like are you kidding me?
This post is by a banned member (JayTeeX69) - Unhide
This post is by a banned member (kubaa213769420) - Unhide
2 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 07 September, 2022 - 11:15 PM by kubaa213769420. Edited 3 times in total.)
"This was always here or you wouldnt of been able to start. And there is 300gb currently in the server,"  - That is actually not true, check last screenshot, I was talking with you on the original account you had before 2 terms. Thats 16.08 before terms. That's few days after I joined. I had to ask you to send me links from threads xD

"Like why are you lying, I caught you so many times. Your saying litterally anything, first you say dont tell me. Then when I bring it up to you, you say its on hold, then your holder sent me a ss saying he earned and not to refund you because your being annoying to him too. Then I messaged you about that and now your saying its from another traffic source, like simply stop lying" - I'm not lying, 50 is on hold. That money you have on the screenshots, the 20 euros is from other source and I'm not lying.

"The video was to help you set it up and, and to run the bot, Also the demonstrations were there to help you deal with traffic." - Not much of a demonstration to be honest, doesn't show anything useful.

"w would I lie or procrastinate it, I have a life I had to edit an ID for you. That takes time and I have other requests I have to deal with first, the world doesnt revolve around you. I have things to do and I still did it." - Then why wouldn't you say so that you had stuff? You only said you're gonna do it in a bit. That's big bs when I look at it.

Also please explain why people across all tiers gets same shit, same modules.
This post is by a banned member (SirHugs) - Unhide
4 Years of service
""This was always here or you wouldnt of been able to start. And there is 300gb currently in the server,"  - That is actually not true, check last screenshot, I was talking with you on the original account you had before 2 terms. Thats 16.08 before terms. That's few days after I joined. I had to ask you to send me links from threads xD " -- They werent down for that long and they were only down because people warned me posting them, But I reuploaded them even though because people wanted them. 

"Like why are you lying, I caught you so many times. Your saying litterally anything, first you say dont tell me. Then when I bring it up to you, you say its on hold, then your holder sent me a ss saying he earned and not to refund you because your being annoying to him too. Then I messaged you about that and now your saying its from another traffic source, like simply stop lying" - I'm not lying, 50 is on hold. That money you have on the screenshots, the 20 euros is from other source and I'm not lying. " -- We already disscussed this itll go into your bank when it clears with hes bank, like you said he sent with hes bank as why its on hold. Thats a normal thing with paypal, some banks are slow asf I waited a month one time, but theres also no reason for you to still not be earning, if those were really from another source.

""The video was to help you set it up and, and to run the bot, Also the demonstrations were there to help you deal with traffic." - Not much of a demonstration to be honest, doesn't show anything useful." -- Yeah it does, its what helps people earn daily like look in the vouches its very good. If you can implement what Im saying thats on you, and even then you already earned. You wont even let me login to your account to even see the problem, you always say no or make up an excuse.

""w would I lie or procrastinate it, I have a life I had to edit an ID for you. That takes time and I have other requests I have to deal with first, the world doesnt revolve around you. I have things to do and I still did it." - Then why wouldn't you say so that you had stuff? You only said you're gonna do it in a bit. That's big bs when I look at it." -- Did I not do it? I literally got it done almost the same day, things happen and its stressful but that takes time and I had alot happening at that point of time.

"Also please explain why people across all tiers gets same shit, same modules." -- Also you dont, you wont even know how to use the bot without the ebook. Plus it was never like that before, again when you get termed twice I just reuploaded the one. But if you really find this such a big deal I can easily change it lol, simply delete the file and ill give you the bronze one if you really want that. And gold gets a free account and 1 on 1 mentorship, even though I literally already provide that aswell, and silver+ talks about how to setup the silver+ bot aswell as all the extra info to exploit a bunch of other kinks.

Also I didnt see this part in your first message

"Three tiers, bronze, silver, gold. - I bought BRONZE. This is gonna sound weird, and I'm not complaining, just trying to expose this. All people across all tiers receive same stuff and mentorship. There are additional modules in the silver THAT I have in bronze. I don't complain but sounds like a scam to guys who bought more expensive tiers. He defends this point by saying that this is explained in silver and gold ebooks but does it matter? I have same modules (scripts) as them in the folder and lots of people can read the code today so could implement it anyway. Onlyfans and group invite modules from the silver? I have them while I'm bronze. Also wtf is this "Trafficbot w/ 23 rotating se modules" - I have 3 modules only , and additional ones from silver (which I shouldn't have). He definitely knows about this issue." -- How did I scam them, if you bought bronze you wont know how to use it. I just need to resetup roles in the customer only server, because I keep getting termed. Also the 23 rotating se modules or messages is like what itll send in the server to get traffic like it rotates through a list to not act like a bot. and there is more than 3 there is a group one, affiliate, onlyfans, and one that also partially talks to them to filter to see if theyre a time waster. Which you can take over afterwards.
This post is by a banned member (Bovz) - Unhide
This post is by a banned member (SirHugs) - Unhide
4 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 08 September, 2022 - 12:59 AM by SirHugs.)
Not just that I done alot for him, idk how he cant see past it like I get really good reviews. Idk wtf hes doing wrong because he doesnt let me help him, it been him just asking for a refund and not letting me login.

Like look this person just bought and already earned..

Like this actually annoys me, like I just simply cant trust you. You lie way too much and dont even let me login.

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