This post is by a banned member (Ptet1) - Unhide
19 May, 2020 - 04:47 PM
This post is by a banned member (nignog12) - Unhide
19 May, 2020 - 10:44 PM
Much less than I used to but I still like to get down from time to time to relax.
This post is by a banned member (WasabiNinja) - Unhide
20 May, 2020 - 01:33 AM
I smoke weed, i have been smoking alot for the last two years lol i think my favorite smoke i had was sine Mac 1
This post is by a banned member (TastyMoney) - Unhide
20 May, 2020 - 02:36 AM
Smoking dailyy for the past 8-10 years
This post is by a banned member (CuteAnimeGirl69) - Unhide
20 May, 2020 - 03:10 AM
tried it once sadly i don't have enough money for it.
This post is by a banned member (BVS1K) - Unhide
20 May, 2020 - 10:19 AM
I've been smoking weed everyday and lost count on how long its been lol. But 4/20 was fucking amazing
This post is by a banned member (activeboy) - Unhide
24 May, 2020 - 02:19 PM
Never smoked. Just don't get into that stuff. It's not worth it in the long run.
This post is by a banned member (AlligatourSkies) - Unhide
25 May, 2020 - 06:05 PM
I tried it, however, for some reason I start randomly shaking so I never did it again. I did try it with multiple different strains but my body just doesn't like it for some reason.