Since i've lurked quite a while around, decided it's time to be more useful for the community , therefore, here are some suggestions for which i thought, and are as follows:
- display username changes are not visible for guests (thank you @J_S for implementing this already )
- hide the email from the user control panel like in the image ( i think only the real owner should know it and if some accounts are hacked to be harder for the email owner acc to targeted also)
-hide username changes after a period of time (eq: 1 month after each changed username)
- purge the inactive accounts and make available the account names for other users
- a more easier way for the usergroups to be changed (eq: a drop down and be able to select the desired role, rather than now)
-i've seen a bug regarding some threads which are displayed in some subforums that should not be visible at all for some users, meaning that the specific thread is deleted if you try to press on it, but it is still displayed in the subforum.
-a wider range of colours for the userbar hue.
- display username changes are not visible for guests (thank you @J_S for implementing this already )
- hide the email from the user control panel like in the image ( i think only the real owner should know it and if some accounts are hacked to be harder for the email owner acc to targeted also)
-hide username changes after a period of time (eq: 1 month after each changed username)
- purge the inactive accounts and make available the account names for other users
- a more easier way for the usergroups to be changed (eq: a drop down and be able to select the desired role, rather than now)
-i've seen a bug regarding some threads which are displayed in some subforums that should not be visible at all for some users, meaning that the specific thread is deleted if you try to press on it, but it is still displayed in the subforum.
-a wider range of colours for the userbar hue.