(This post was last modified: 17 May, 2019 - 08:49 PM by Fire1.)
FireAWS | Cheap AWS EDU Codes
Mining and Cracking Allowed

AWS $25 Credits [ NON EDU Codes] 2x STACK - Expires 04/01/2020 = $7
AWS $50 Credits [ NON EDU] 4x STACK - Expires 03/01/2020 = $14
AWS $100 EDU [ NEW FY2019_IC_Q2_4_100USD) - Expires 03/31/2020 = $28

:ezy: OFFER :ezy:
AWS $150 EDU ( NEW EVENT FY2019_IC-Q2_1_150USD ) - Expires 09/30/2020 = $56 = $30

Q: What does STACK means?
A: It means you can buy the same product and apply to the same aws account according to their stack.

No refunds all codes tested before given



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