OP 18 March, 2024 - 02:31 AM
Although my previous thread about this is marked as "solved", this bug is still occuring
How I've reproduced it rn :
- Open cracked.io on the home page, and always leave it opened but never go back to it
- Open a few threads in new tabs
- Open another home page in a new tab
- Get pinged in shoutbox (you only hear 1 time, perfect)
- Wait a bit
- Close all your tabs except the very first one, so you're left with the 1st tab opened --> receive a ghost ping for free
How I've reproduced it rn :
- Open cracked.io on the home page, and always leave it opened but never go back to it
- Open a few threads in new tabs
- Open another home page in a new tab
- Get pinged in shoutbox (you only hear 1 time, perfect)
- Wait a bit
- Close all your tabs except the very first one, so you're left with the 1st tab opened --> receive a ghost ping for free