[HIRING] PHP Developpers
An efficient and secure login and register system. The user will have to be upgraded by an administrator.
If the user is not upgraded, post a page stating it has no rank.
If it is upgraded, it will have 1 possibilities:
- Change a number string of your account (This number string must be changed on a Linux VPS, in a .conf file with a precise line.
- If editing .conf file is so hard, then make a function that only execute 2 commands.
Exemple how it's easy to do:
use phpseclib\Crypt\RSA;
use phpseclib\Net\SSH2;
use phpseclib\Net\SCP;

// Load your private key
$key = new RSA();
$key->loadKey('private key string');

// Connect to the server
$ssh = new SSH2('ip_address', 'port', 'timeout');
if (!$ssh->login('username', $key)) {
throw new Exception("Unable to connect");

// Run a remote command
echo $ssh->exec('whoami');

// SCP put a string
$result = (new SCP($ssh))->put('remotePath', 'content to put');
// SCP put a file
$result = (new SCP($ssh))->put('remotePath', 'localPath', SCP::SOURCE_LOCAL_FILE);

// SCP get a file
$result = (new SCP($this->ssh))->get('remotePath', 'localPath');

// $result is true or false
One side ADMIN Panel.
- Possibility to have a list of users.
- Possibility to see the user's logs (Change of number of his account, which is the user's possibility 1)
- Being able to ban a user or suspend him for a given time.
- Being able to upgrade an user.
- Each upgrade user has his own Linux VPS.
The user will have a cooldown of 30M after each change of number string (Function 1)
Contact: @DeaNoxNulled