OP 16 September, 2020 - 06:38 PM
If you wanna make a lot of money for little to no work dm me. I'm spreading a miner its harmless and doesn't steal passwords or anything I have private methods that don't infect c.to anyone and everyone is welcome.
How much you get payed?
%20 of all earnings so for example if 10 people are hired and earnings are $1000 in a week you make $200 and you split that between you and you get $20 a week which is $80 a month for basically no work. DM on discord Quessts#2071 or telegram @Quessts for more info and or questions.
Approval from KSZ:
How much you get payed?
%20 of all earnings so for example if 10 people are hired and earnings are $1000 in a week you make $200 and you split that between you and you get $20 a week which is $80 a month for basically no work. DM on discord Quessts#2071 or telegram @Quessts for more info and or questions.
Approval from KSZ: