(This post was last modified: 21 December, 2023 - 10:25 PM by Utachi.)
Allright so I will explain to you how most of the people on here sell Credit Cards, Gift cards, accounts,etc. I will share with you some of the most common ways sooo let's begin!

There the "good guys" Who scamm, scammers. They get access to their laptops via a method wich I won't be sharing. But I bet most of u folks already know it!

After they get access to the scammers PC then they grab whatever is on it. And as you can imagine scammers steal mostly from Elderly people, etc! Then they just sell whatever they get. They either make a Sellix account or any other platforms.

The second way is how they get only accounts like Yahoo,Gmail,Protonmail,etc.

They basically create a phishing link wich they spread everywhere. After they get the accounts they will proceed to perhaps check the accounts with a checker! Or they just sell them as "hits"

And of course the Dropshiping, Fraudulent refunds, etc.

There are obviously many many more ways but for now I'mma just keep the knowledge, Of course what I wrote in those methods.. is not always done but a lot of people do it though and they feel no shame or anything. Matter of fact they think they're immune to getting caught just because they take some precautions lmao.


This is a bump