(This post was last modified: 25 October, 2020 - 03:18 PM by cxcx.)
Step 1We are going to need to download the tool first from the Github repository. So let's open up a terminal and start the cloning. Type "git clone" followed by the location of the repository which is https://github.com/elceef/dnstwist
[Image: hjKVzTM.png]
Step 2One the cloning has finished we will need to change our directory to the dnstwist folder since the python script is located in there. List all the files using the "ls" command to see what is included in the folder.
[Image: VlJnAPs.png]
Step 3: "dnstwist.py" is the script we are going to be running. We need to run it in python, so in order to do this, you have to type "python" first before running the python script. This will then run the script and show the options we have to choose from. I added 20 threads by including the "-t" option followed by the number of threads.
[Image: p3o6h5r.png]
Step 4There are multiple options to choose from. To start the website generations we are going to use the same command as above, but at the end, add the website domain name you would like to generate. Here are the results:
[Image: OA4gNCt.png]
