OP 03 March, 2022 - 05:32 PM
WSL stands for Windows Subsystem for Linux
This allows you to run Linux distros on your Windows 10 machine without having to overwrite your entire machine or create a dual boot
WSL is disabled on Windows by default so we need to follow the below steps to first enable WSL:
WSL is now enabled but you still need to install a distro of Linux to make it work:
You will now be able to run the WSL terminal whenever you like!
This allows you to run Linux distros on your Windows 10 machine without having to overwrite your entire machine or create a dual boot
WSL is disabled on Windows by default so we need to follow the below steps to first enable WSL:
- Go to Settings
- Go to Apps and Features
- On the right hand side under "Related Settings" you will see Programs and Features
- On the Programs and Features page you will see down the left hand side "Turn Windows features on or off" select this
- A list of features will show alongside checkboxes, scroll down and find Windows Subsystem for Linux and check the box
- Hit "OK" and restart your machine
WSL is now enabled but you still need to install a distro of Linux to make it work:
- Open the Microsoft Store from the Start Menu
- Search for the Linux distro you are wanting to install and hit the "Get" or "Install" button
- Then hit the "Launch" button
- You will then be prompted to create a username and password for the distro
You will now be able to run the WSL terminal whenever you like!
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