(This post was last modified: 18 June, 2020 - 08:32 AM by edgo98.)
Hello cracked.to people. Admin feel free to move my thread if its not in the right place.
Ok guys im having this issue. im trynna use the Z- Flixx netflix generator and checker
Z-Flixx thread

It troubleshoot saying ....  https://prnt.sc/t1unaf  i really dont know what to do. chromedriver.exe file is there on the root of the folder where it came OEM. im running WIN 10 64BIT. The guy who posted it doesnt answer.

An important thing some other checkers ive downloaded here, troubleshoot the same way.....

 if any of you guys have been trough the same with this app, or succesfully fix it. let me know. thank u so much people. I Hope you share our experence with me. [Image: Amusing.png] [Image: Amusing.png]