
The picture of this levitating sith https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvNb7AWHs4Q in the video makes me feel particularly inspired - im getting anakin skywalker vibes :pepothink:

Something with malice - cruelty - heartbreak and betrayal - something dark but with wholesome goodness peppered in it - similar to what's been accomplished in louis c.k and his tv show..where he somehow makes a guy who's life does nothing but get worse and worse and worse - somehow have such wholesome moments and stay - balanced in a sense...

If there was a scale for good and evil to weigh each video game experience i feel like it's too good most of the time - it doesn't encompass the full scope of human experience...

I want to feel the power and the rush of killing someone i loved and trusted as a sith - to drag their broken and defeated body to my hand with the force as i impale them with a lightsaber a grimace of sorrow as they begin their decent to heaven by my hand - the hand of someone they trusted and was beloved. 

I wanna feel the decent into madness in a compelling and rich RPG exxperience - faced with the decision to be both good or evil and i wanna choose to be evil - i want to feel the compelling emotions of bitter stinging emotional agony as i turn my back on my loved one's and disappoint the people who were closest to me - turning further and further into darkness abandoning everything i once knew and for those who had once known me to come to be my enemies and for me to consume them with my malice and my turn to darkness....

Periodically running into each other one dark moment after another turning me further and further to the darkness till i've become truly evil. Knowing nothing but anger malice and cruelty...my eyes developing that sith darkened circle and yellow eyes. 

I wanna slaughter something beautiful a monument to peace and goodness - like a republic - to see good people brimming with hope and absolution - dissolve into conflict and be overcome by it - for those who were pure and confident in their ways to be overpowered and corrupted and swept away into darkness against their own will..to make them powerless and suffer. 

This would be my deepest joy Evil 

Not every human wants to experience just good things - pain - anger- sorrow - horror can be enriching to a bored and understimulated soul - i believe it may be possible to craft such an experience, but not just the RPG - the combat

I wanna know that in the upcoming action im gonna feel something, dark...to feel the blade of my lightsaber cut off the head - with visible horror in their faces as they make their final scream and the sound of my lightsaber silences them...i wanna feel their bones break beneath my fingers as i crush their necks with my force grip - i wanna pull their blaster away from them and see the expression on their faces as they become instantly powerless and consumed with fear of the upcoming pain and death they will endure - i wanna know i can make people suffer 

I wanna wear dark clothes and carry dark presence with me - i wanna go to cities filled with good people and face armies and corrupt and consume entire civilizations with my influence 

I haven't quite envisioned what such massive social endeavors would be like but it would be nice to start in a closed nit circle - for my journey - betraying the one's who loved and trusted me to then evolve into destroying the monuments to their believes and cherished values - their republic - their planets and their cities ripe with lifeforms for me to be cruel to and make suffer - Evil i shall edit this more later when my creative inspiration comes 

Now sure how to make this though :pepothink:
[Image: laxypenis.png]
[Image: penis-lober.png]