OP 18 May, 2020 - 02:21 AM
(This post was last modified: 18 May, 2020 - 02:22 AM by landal.
Edit Reason: format
Instagram Account Generator and Random Email Generator
hi, Cracked.to.
I've been working on a Selenium-based Instagram Account Generator through OpenBullet to mass-produce Instagram accounts. The progress I have made seems straight forwards and I was hoping to walk Cracked.to through what I've achieved and get help figuring out what I should do next.
I will be providing the code I have been working with to anyone wanting to experiment themselves or help me along the way
My best guess is that Instagram using Selenium Detection found at Stackoverflow (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3322...7#41220267). Or Instagram is tracking mouse movements to differentiate between automation or humans. found at Instagram. (https://help.instagram.com/519522125107875) Where they say,
My best guess is that Instagram using Selenium Detection found at Stackoverflow (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3322...7#41220267). Or Instagram is tracking mouse movements to differentiate between automation or humans. found at Instagram. (https://help.instagram.com/519522125107875) Where they say,
Quote:"Device operations: information about operations and behaviors performed on the device, such as whether a window is foregrounded or backgrounded, or mouse movements (which can help distinguish humans from bots)."
I need help figuring out what my next step is going to be with programming this Account Generator. I would take any support I could get, including people testing the config and giving me insights on how I can improve it.
this was made with python :3
Random Email Generator:
Things you'll need will be:
Things you'll need will be:
- a word list
- a name list
or if you want, here's mine: mega.nz
the exports of the code are in email:fullname formats, I used these formats because they were specific to the requirements for my Instagram config
or if you want, here's mine: mega.nz
the exports of the code are in email:fullname formats, I used these formats because they were specific to the requirements for my Instagram config
import random
import string
word_file = r"D:\randwords.txt"
words = open(word_file).read().splitlines()
name_file = r"D:\randnames.txt"
names = open(name_file).read().splitlines()
email = ("aol.com", "att.net", "comcast.net", "facebook.com", "gmail.com", "gmx.com", "googlemail.com", "google.com", "hotmail.com", "hotmail.co.uk", "mac.com", "me.com", "mail.com", "msn.com", "live.com", "sbcglobal.net", "verizon.net", "yahoo.com", "yahoo.co.uk", "email.com", "fastmail.fm", "games.com", "gmx.net", "hush.com", "hushmail.com", "icloud.com", "iname.com", "inbox.com", "lavabit.com", "love.com", "outlook.com", "pobox.com", "protonmail.ch", "protonmail.com", "tutanota.de", "tutanota.com", "tutamail.com", "tuta.io", "keemail.me", "rocketmail.com", "safe-mail.net", "wow.com", "ygm.com", "ymail.com", "zoho.com", "yandex.com", "bellsouth.net", "charter.net", "cox.net", "earthlink.net", "juno.com", "btinternet.com", "virginmedia.com", "blueyonder.co.uk", "freeserve.co.uk", "live.co.uk", "ntlworld.com", "o2.co.uk", "orange.net", "sky.com", "talktalk.co.uk", "tiscali.co.uk", "virgin.net", "wanadoo.co.uk", "bt.com", "sina.com", "sina.cn", "qq.com", "naver.com", "hanmail.net", "daum.net", "nate.com", "yahoo.co.jp", "yahoo.co.kr", "yahoo.co.id", "yahoo.co.in", "yahoo.com.sg", "yahoo.com.ph", "163.com", "yeah.net", "126.com", "21cn.com", "aliyun.com", "foxmail.com", "hotmail.fr", "live.fr", "laposte.net", "yahoo.fr", "wanadoo.fr", "orange.fr", "gmx.fr", "sfr.fr", "neuf.fr", "free.fr", "gmx.de", "hotmail.de", "live.de", "online.de", "t-online.de", "web.de", "yahoo.de", "libero.it", "virgilio.it", "hotmail.it", "aol.it", "tiscali.it", "alice.it", "live.it", "yahoo.it", "email.it", "tin.it", "poste.it", "teletu.it", "mail.ru", "rambler.ru", "yandex.ru", "ya.ru", "list.ru", "hotmail.be", "live.be", "skynet.be", "voo.be", "tvcablenet.be", "telenet.be", "hotmail.com.ar", "live.com.ar", "yahoo.com.ar", "fibertel.com.ar", "speedy.com.ar", "arnet.com.ar", "yahoo.com.mx", "live.com.mx", "hotmail.es", "hotmail.com.mx", "prodigy.net.mx", "yahoo.ca", "hotmail.ca", "bell.net", "shaw.ca", "sympatico.ca", "rogers.com", "yahoo.com.br", "hotmail.com.br", "outlook.com.br", "uol.com.br", "bol.com.br", "terra.com.br", "ig.com.br", "itelefonica.com.br", "r7.com", "zipmail.com.br", "globo.com", "globomail.com", "oi.com.br")
x = 1
rbreak = (".", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "-", "", ".", "-", ".", "-", ".", ".", ".", ".", ".")
while x==1:
randomname1 = random.choice(names)
randomname2 = random.choice(names)
randombreak1 = random.choice(rbreak)
randombreak2 = random.choice(rbreak)
randomemail = random.choice(email)
randomword1 = random.choice(words)
randomword2 = random.choice(words)
random1 = (randomname1, randomword2)
random2 = (randomname2, randomword1)
random3 = (randombreak1, randombreak2)
print(random.choice(random1) + random.choice(random3) + random.choice(random2) + "@" + randomemail + ":" + randomname1 + " " + randomname2)[/align]
and if you want the Instagram Account Generator config:
feel free to dm me :pepegun:
feel free to dm me :pepegun: