19 January, 2021 - 08:40 PM
(28 April, 2019 - 12:21 AM)twistedmind Wrote: Show MoreAsked for the Kawai Limited Sniper?
Enjoy it.
BTW: Make sure to read readme.txt and read it fully to understand the features of it.
Then open Kawai.bat and follow the on-screen GUI, asking how much robux you will be willing to use, discord webhook input and roblox cookie.**IF KAWAI.BAT DOESN'T OPEN, IGNORE THIS STEP AND GO TO KAWAI.EXE! IT WILL AUTO CREATE A SETUP CONFIG ON THE APPLICATION!**Then open kawai.exe and there will be a command list that you will need to choose which command to use.
Press 1 for normal build OR Press 2 for Experiemental Build [Not Recommeneded]
Then the application will do its work, make sure not to close it or you will not be able to get results as items will come at cheap prices at any time.
SUPPORT ALERT: Many complaints of it being not working so read this before crying about it:Make sure to turn off Windows Defender as it has many plugins that may seem a danger to your computer.
Windows Defender/ Google Chrome keeps deleting it?Go to Windows Defenders Settings > Open Windows Defender Security Centre > Virus & threat protection > Virus & threat protection settings > Turn off Real-time Protection
If it doesn't open, continue to open it many times and use run as administrator for the best performance.Enjoy.
hope this works pop