Proxies needed : Yes (Disney watches every time you connect to their API, once you got into it, it gives you a one-time look before locking for security purposes)
How much bots ? : Around 50-100.
This config was built using OpenBullet v 1.3.1 - Anomaly edition.
Proxies needed : Yes (Disney watches every time you connect to their API, once you got into it, it gives you a one-time look before locking for security purposes)
How much bots ? : Around 50-100.
This config was built using OpenBullet v 1.3.1 - Anomaly edition.
Proxies needed : Yes (Disney watches every time you connect to their API, once you got into it, it gives you a one-time look before locking for security purposes)
How much bots ? : Around 50-100.
This config was built using OpenBullet v 1.3.1 - Anomaly edition.