15 May, 2020 - 10:10 PM
(12 May, 2020 - 11:14 AM)koba_lad Wrote: Show MoreFIXED "0 BLOCKS" BUG NOW ITS FULLY WORKING
★ koba_lad Valorant Config ★
Captures :
- User and pass (obviously)
- Country
- Region
- Email verified or not
- Games played
- Valorant points
- Radianite
- Mail Access (with given email info, it's not in the screenshot but I added it after)
Here I checked a working account that had Valorant and played 0 games. If some capture is missing then the account probably has no beta key (and thus cannot play Valorant) Capture is a bit weird depending on proxies but most of the time it looks like this.
BTW : I do not endorse using my tools for cracking nor bruteforcing. Use this tool only if you have permission from the account(s) owner.
PS : The OG config had a hitlogger, so i'm not the creator. I just removed the hitlogger and added mail access support