oh hi maxxy, i see im again guilty for something..
About that i deleted all messages, i wanted to nuke all chat but nvm, no one will trust this what i said now
and i never edited any messages.
And about this (
https://prnt.sc/vwwcxd ) I have all available proofs to show that you edited a message. So, instead of you paying for that provider, you edited a message so i need to pay for it.
I have full convo when i talked with Teken (one of staff team) so i will just post that message and pictures here, hope you enjoy
( Pic where i explained situation to Teken ) -->
( Pic where i sent maxxy that im ready for any scam report cause i knew this is gonna happen.) -->
https://prnt.sc/vvuq9g (that thing in notepad are pictures of convo)
Now,the part where i'm asking Maxxy if he's sure he want to buy the provider
btw Nauma (seller) said he can go first if we are trusted.
https://prnt.sc/vvoo6f <-- Picture (Before) you maybe not understand why i said "before" but you will when i post another screenshot
https://prnt.sc/vvun78 <-- Picture (After when i sent him
https://prnt.sc/vvuq9g )
So yeah, maxxy atleast tried to tell that he was some type of middleman and i needed to send money to nauma LOL
https://prnt.sc/vwwjwn <--- IMPORTANT PICTURE
so yeah, aboutt the last pic i sent, that was the same day when maxxy didn't wanted to pay the provider
so maxxy made that story
but in this post "Lets talk about coming scam reportt against me"
he said " I was supposed to be a MM for free between the purchase of Cofila54 and nauma. "
Hmmm ? not suspicious at all ?
Maxxy, don't try to sabotage me.
EDIT : I also got this picture :
Maybe someone will not gonna trust me,cause i owe maxxy $100, but trust me, im working on it, and i already earned some money, but that doesn't matter now :)