(This post was last modified: 23 April, 2022 - 02:22 AM by VyWxnted.)
Looking for a Streaming Services Supplier ( 2-3 People ) 

I am looking for a few suppliers that can work with me. I am willing to give a percentage on sales, or I could buy from you for a cheaper price. 
I have one of the biggest Discord server in the Middle East, and I have close connection with people. ( 60K+ members. Had 110K, but it got nuked ) 

Things about me:
  1. I've made around $200-400 in one month from sales
  2. Close connection with influencers that have 1M+ subs
  3. I have experience in the marketing field 
  • Looking to sell the following mainly, but can sell different stuff if I find it needed:
    - Netflix
    - Hulu
    - Crunchyroll
    - Game Accounts

    Discord: VyWxnted#9372

This is a bump