(This post was last modified: 14 April, 2021 - 12:33 AM by hallowed.)
(13 April, 2021 - 11:58 PM)Carson Wrote: Show More
@ANG just paid a bot dev 5$ pp for it. its gonna be done tn. prob will post on c.to

For five dollars? I hope your bot is twenty lines long or shorter.

Let's see what sort of mess this guy makes. lol2

Edit: Just humor me, what sort of bot are you looking for my guy?

Sceptre Intelligence Agency (SI/SIA)
Sr. Agent of Administration, Development, Counter-Intelligence, OSINT/HUMINT Operations
  • Certified Cybersecurity Specialist
  • Developer
  • Networking
  • Cyber Forensics
  • Penetration-testing

    STACK: Python, Javascript, HTML, CSS, CPP, Bash/Shell/Typescript, Powershell, Node.JS