(This post was last modified: 02 March, 2024 - 08:37 PM by notSoBinary.)
It can be used and abused anywhere, just looking for a real specimen. 
As google is only full of old ones and couldn't find on forum.
My telegram is https://t.me/notSoBinary

[Image: romanian-IDs-googled.png]

Thank you in advance  [Image: popcorn2.gif]

I'm posting the example how the new one looks alike, as many of you keep sending old ones, so just to save our time and misinterpretation have a look bellow 
be sure to double check, as I believe you will still try to pass old ones  [Image: pepe.gif]
[Image: romanian-new-IDs-googled.png]
[Image: 8Nzbvqq.png]