Steps on how to do the scam are pretty straightforward and easy
(WARNING: I only did this for gym supplements (Preworkout, Creatine, Protein powder) and from big brands (Ryse,Ekkovision,Superhuman) so i cant tell you what will happen if you try it on smaller brands or on $100 plus items
1.Purchase the item that you want(Supplements,Clothes, ETC......)
2. Wait for the item to arrive and wait 4-5 days. 
3. After that contact tiktok shop support and tell them that you ordered something and that it was delivered but due to some reason( Due to work, Due to having school....) you wasn't available when it arrived but when you cam home it wasn't at your doorstep.
4. You cant forget to state that you waited a few days just in case it popped up and you look around the premises of your home and around your neighborhood but you couldn't find it. 
5. Most likely they will issue you a coupon for your troubles and send out a refund request
6. After that you wait, if the seller dosent respond to the refund request within two days, the request is automatically accepted. 
7. If the request was denied, there is a button that allows you to appeal to tiktok and it automatically gets approved

Enjoy the method and let me know what items you guys used it on and it worked