(This post was last modified: 20 January, 2024 - 03:59 AM by Guy_Fawkes. Edited 1 time in total.)
First, I would have just replied to the thread that was made on me that is rather comical more than anything with desperate attempts to try and make stuff up from combos over a year and a half old ? but he closed the thread to make sure I couldn't respond. For real actual evidence of him and his scams, please read through the bogus scam report he made and all his false claims that can't be justified. I've also listed proof that's actually proof of him and how he handles business below and blames his ripoffs on the customers.


Again, I would have just replied to his thread but he apparently knows how far of a stretch it is, otherwise wouldn't have closed it immediately. So I'll do the same..there is tons and tons of more proof of everything I've said by the way that can be given to anyone in dm. Hopefully this grade school desperate attempts are stopped soon because its laughable at this point. Also, the combos he's claiming that are public are over a year and a half since they were posted in his cloud ? of course they are fucking public now. Just like his dox and leaked configs.

Link to scam report showing more that he is completely full of claims he can't actually back up.
