- Base cooldown time for everyone has been changed to 90.0 seconds rather than 120.0 seconds
- Quick search through our stock. Example: !stock wish will show just the stock for wish
- Cooldown is no longer applied when using commands like !stock or !accounts whereas before it would apply the cooldown
- Embed's have been made to look a lot more cleaner and nicer
- Upon restarting the bot, a day is no longer minused frsSADWAWDom everyone's license
- Captures for every account type has been added
- More security added in our remove_stock and remove_subscription commands (asks for confirmation)
- You can now look up other peoples subscription by doing !subscription @
User, if you want to view your own you do !subscription as normal
- Rather than having !accounts and !accounts2 you can now do just !accounts and navigate through the pages by clicking on the green reaction that shows - this option is only shown for 10 seconds
- The stock command has been changed to a page system instead of a long embed that looks untidy
- Info command only now provides the necessary information
- Before a key is now generated for someone it checks to see if they already have an existing subscription
- When generating you now must do !gen [account-type]. For example to get a wish account you do !gen wish - This does require a little more effort when generating however we had to do this so it is easier for us to add new account types
- When generating you have an option to send the account details out of an embed (beneficial for mobile users), to do this react to the green circle shown on the embed in DM's (this option is only available for 10 seconds after generating the account)
- New account types can now be added by doing !add_type [type] (can only be ran by admins) - After adding an account type the !update command needs to be ran
- !send [id] [message] command has been added to send a DM to the user id that has been provided
- !send_role [message] command has been added to send a DM to all of our buyers with that message that has been provided
- Updated security in our admin system - our list of admins will no longer reset upon restarting the bot
- Updated security in our key system - more secure
- Little to no maintenance