haha idk care who wants in, just know will need help maybe and willing share all platform fees with staff, otherwise I will find people to content moderate somewhere cause could be hard but def need few peeps who interested in earning that scales with the business your working. More Profits for Leaks.Shop = +Sales +Fee's +Withdraws +Vendors == PRETTY AWESOME PROFITS FOR ALL STAFF NOT JUST OWNER WHILE STAFF GETS DROPPED SCRAPS.
Harder your willing to work for Platform and Fellow Staff the more EVERYONE Makes. Really hope few people apply cause if something like this can't make it, I'm done trying in Leaks cause I bored of selling accounts. Going to do Sexual Health cpa stuff that looks promising with average sales being $145+ profit. Cause no one hire a felon so I gotta grind something haha just looking for something that I enjoy and can do well plus help community out in long run.
Provide safer tools, higher quality products and easier access to all interested. Don't Gamble and Waste Time With Shit Accounts, Buy Quality Guarantied or Get Replace by Platform staff.
Platform Staff can override Shop staff if needed and reward your Refund, if we feel product wasn't up to standard or questionable. We do it that day shit that hour usually not next day or 2 days.
Exchanges HMU on here for now, I give out other contact once I ready to shit down chat cause I'm all over place right now tryna get a few things ready but I got you PM me.