OP 17 September, 2020 - 09:41 PM
Scam report format (Mandatory)
Scammers Profile Link: https://cracked.to/raffy
[If Applicable] Sales Thread: https://cracked.to/Thread-Raffy-s-Servic...PORTS-MORE
Amount or Item(s) Scammed: 3 months of netflix and spotify premium
Screenshots of Communication: Sadly everything was on his discord server
Additional Information: I bought 3 months of netflix and spotify premium from raffy from his discord server that he has on his forums topic but for some reason 2 days ago I couldn't find the server and I think I was banned from the server or the server was deleted. I can't join back but raffy's username still exists but he has friend request off. I don't think he personally banned me cuz he is a good guy, I sent a message on his topic but he didn't reply yet. I don't recall doing anything bad but it might have been one of his staff idk. I just wanted to give you a heads up since it might be a scamm after all.
Scammers Profile Link: https://cracked.to/raffy
[If Applicable] Sales Thread: https://cracked.to/Thread-Raffy-s-Servic...PORTS-MORE
Amount or Item(s) Scammed: 3 months of netflix and spotify premium
Screenshots of Communication: Sadly everything was on his discord server
Additional Information: I bought 3 months of netflix and spotify premium from raffy from his discord server that he has on his forums topic but for some reason 2 days ago I couldn't find the server and I think I was banned from the server or the server was deleted. I can't join back but raffy's username still exists but he has friend request off. I don't think he personally banned me cuz he is a good guy, I sent a message on his topic but he didn't reply yet. I don't recall doing anything bad but it might have been one of his staff idk. I just wanted to give you a heads up since it might be a scamm after all.