OP 12 June, 2021 - 05:57 AM
Its crazy that something so obvious and common sense is often over looked. But it shoudnt be. Notice on these images that some of the files were modified A LOT ealier than the .exe file or other files? Common Sense people. If you have openbullet and hits.txt is modified at a different date than Openbullet.exe then that is one thing. Now it could still be backdoored or have a virus binded to it but chances are whenever you got a hit thats when the date was modified.
But take the second picture for as example. Why in the world would the tutorial be modified in 2017 but the .exe file modified in 2021? I will tell you why. Because someone used a binder or crypter and binded the original program with a virus/rat/malware etc and then uploaded it to original folder where the tutorial was at.
I am making this post because I hope everyone starts looking at their modified dates when they download from this website and nulled. You will soon realize why in the world am i downloading from this website or nulled. 90% of the files are uploaded simply to spread miners, rats, botnets etc. Seriously....start paying attention!