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⭐Get Any File From Anonfiles⭐ | No Sketchy Websites | No Sketchy Downloads

by Puple - 11 May, 2020 - 03:54 AM
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This post is by a banned member (Omylord) - Unhide
5 Years of service
@BurningFire I've known about this for a while too. I tried making a scraper using Openbullet, got part of the way there, is tough but def possible. I just don't have enough knowledge. Would be awesome to have a combo of keywords to run through it like,
Request: intitle:"<keyword(from combo)> +
Request: intitle:"<keyword> +
Not sure if anonfile and anonfiles are different sites but was getting different results with same keyword so would be best to include both for most results. Anyways,

Then have it parse everything after "
for example: wcT8Cem1b6/Keyword_Generator_v1.0_zip
Then use a function like constant to put it into full link form like
Then append all links to a txt file.

One problem I was running into was certain search results come back as like and stuff like that.
I was able to capture the results that were like cdn,
but then when I did, it didn't parse the normal results like<whatever&gt;.

Was having trouble as well with getting more results than just first page, as in more than 10 results.
Also was having trouble cus I was using recursive to capture all the data like wcT8Cem1b6/Keyword_Generator_v1.0_zip
but then when I used the function constant to convert each one into links it only converted the first one into a link.
I know it's possible with Openbullet but maybe it'd be easier with a coding language cus OB does have its limitations.

Regardless, someone should get on making this. Would blow something like slayerleecher out of the water.

This post is by a banned member (zako132) - Unhide
This post is by a banned member (Puple) - Unhide
5 Years of service
(12 May, 2020 - 06:14 AM)Omylord Wrote: Show More
@BurningFire I've known about this for a while too. I tried making a scraper using Openbullet, got part of the way there, is tough but def possible. I just don't have enough knowledge. Would be awesome to have a combo of keywords to run through it like,
Request: intitle:"<keyword(from combo)> +
Request: intitle:"<keyword> +
Not sure if anonfile and anonfiles are different sites but was getting different results with same keyword so would be best to include both for most results. Anyways,

Then have it parse everything after "
for example: wcT8Cem1b6/Keyword_Generator_v1.0_zip
Then use a function like constant to put it into full link form like
Then append all links to a txt file.

One problem I was running into was certain search results come back as like and stuff like that.
I was able to capture the results that were like cdn,
but then when I did, it didn't parse the normal results like<whatever&gt;.

Was having trouble as well with getting more results than just first page, as in more than 10 results.
Also was having trouble cus I was using recursive to capture all the data like wcT8Cem1b6/Keyword_Generator_v1.0_zip
but then when I used the function constant to convert each one into links it only converted the first one into a link.
I know it's possible with Openbullet but maybe it'd be easier with a coding language cus OB does have its limitations.

Regardless, someone should get on making this. Would blow something like slayerleecher out of the water.

i completely agree, ob does have its limitations but I do not know any coding language, wanted to learn but just do not have the time for it. Yes it would blow slayer leecher out of the water.
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