Can anyone tell me if the link to that executable program is legitimate? I hate to download and run executable programs on my computer. Too much risk of virus
I just bought the TT2023 Deluxe. Installed and tried the old instructions. They still work. Can someone tell where to leave the link to download?
(02 January, 2024 - 04:23 AM)rajtpd Wrote: Show MoreAny update on TT23 download?
(02 January, 2024 - 04:23 AM)rajtpd Wrote: Show MoreAny update on TT23 download?
Hi Frank,
Thank you very much for posting the download above! And big thanks to the friend who uploaded the software for us. Really appreciate it. I have a working version after executing the following instructions:
How to remove the activation screen in Turbotax (TT) 2023 US version: (See down below for unlimited states and no efiling fees.)
1. Install TT and install the latest updates during setup. When you re-start TT you will see the activation screen. Close TT.
2. Navigate to the TT installation folder: Default folder is “C:\Program Files (x86)\TurboTax\Individual 2023\32bit”. Copy
the “Intuit.Ctg.Wte.Service.dll” file, and save it somewhere as a backup. NOTE: if you save anything in the TT folder you
will likely see a pop-up window indicating access denied. Just click continue whenever this happens.
3. Download dnSpy program for modifying DLL files
- Google "dnspy" and select the github search result.
- Scroll down a little and click on the large "Latest release" link
- Click on "" (or the version)
4. Extract the dnSpy program files from the zip file. These are stand-alone files. No installation is required.
5. Right click on dnSpy.exe and open as admin. The very first step when starting dnSpy is to make sure there is NOTHING in the left hand column by clicking the File tab, then Close all. Now, select File > Open. Navigate to the TT 32bit folder (ref. step 2),
select “Intuit.Ctg.Wte.Service.dll” and click Open. If you do not see the “Assembly Explorer” column on the left side then
open it: View > Assembly Explorer
NOTE: You must open/edit the "Intuit.Ctg.Wte.Service.dll" while it is in the 32bit folder otherwise compiling in later steps
will fail with errors!
6. Expand the following in the Assembly Explorer:
-Click on “Intuit.Ctg.Wte.Service”
-- Click on “Intuit.Ctg.Wte.Service.dll” (purple font)
---- Click on “Intuit.Ctg.Wte.Service.ProductConfiguration” (yellow font)
------ Click on “ProductConfigurationService” (blue font)
7. Below the “ProductConfiguationService” look in the red-orange items for “IsProductActivationRequired”, right click on
it and choose "Edit Method (C#)…". Do NOT choose “Edit Class (C#)…”.
8. An “Edit Code” window will open. Around line 17 within the code, find the line that starts with
“if (ProductConfigurationService...” and delete this line and all the following lines all the way down to the line directly above
the one that begins with “return false;” (around line 29) (Do NOT delete any lines above line 17). Delete by clicking and
dragging the mouse on the line numbers to highlight these lines. Then press the delete key or Ctrl-X to remove them.
9. The last 6 lines of the “IsProductActivationRequired” code should now look like this (spacing within each line may look
different compared to actual code but that does not matter; extra blank lines won't matter either):
public bool IsProductActivationRequired()
return false;
10. At the bottom of the window, click "Compile" and the window will close. If the compiler shows errors, click the "Cancel"
button and check the code again. You can also exit DnsSpy (without saving) and return to step 5 to start the editing again.
NOTE: if you have trouble using dnySpy, one suggestion is to select File > Close All to start over again.
11. Still in Assembly Explorer, find the item called “IsSupport“ which is directly below “IsProductActivationRequired”, right
click on “IsSupport“ and choose "Edit Method (C#)…". Do NOT choose “Edit Class (C#)…”.
12. An “Edit Code” window will open. Around line 21 within the code, find the line that shows “bool result = false;” and delete
this line and all following lines all the way down to the line directly above and not including the one that shows “return result;”
(around line 80) (Do NOT delete any lines above line 21). Delete by clicking and dragging the mouse on the line numbers to
highlight these lines. Then press the delete key or Ctrl-X to remove them.
13. Now change the line “return result;” to “return true;” (don’t forget the semi-colon)
14. The last 6 lines of the“IsSupport” code should now look like this (spacing within each line may look different compared to
actual code but that does not matter; extra blank lines won't matter either):
private bool IsSupport()
return true;
15. At the bottom of the window, click "Compile" and the window will close. If the compiler shows errors, click the "Cancel"
button and check the code again.
16. In the main window of dnSpy, select File > Save Module. Click “OK” in the Save Module window that opens. Save elsewhere or replace the orig file and if successful, do File-->Close all. See below for unlimited states and no efiling fees.
If an access error occurs just close the “Save Module” window, select File > Save Module again and in the Save Module window, find the
“Filename” line and select a location outside of the TT folder to save the file. Keep the same filename as the original.
17. Do this step only if you had an access error in step 16 and had to save the modified “Intuit.Ctg.Wte.Service.dll” file to a
different location. Close the dnSpy program, rename the “Intuit.Ctg.Wte.Service.dll” file in the TT 32bit folder and copy the
new, modified file saved in step 16 to the TT 32bit folder. Run TT and you should not see the Activation window anymore.
Continue with step 19.
18. In dnSpy, do File-->Close all. X and Close the dnSpy program. Run TT and you should not see the Activation window anymore.
19. In TT you can change the TT product via the menu: Help > Switch product (choices are Basic, Deluxe, Premier, H&B, Biz)
****NOTE: After any TT future update, you may need to modify the updated DLL via these instructions.****
For retrieving unlimited States, as I & few others were able to succeed in making this work last year. This technique is similar to editing the dll file & won't require any messing around with Registry data. Shout out & glory goes out to "Scootcat" for his tireless dedication!
***********************Unlimited State Acquisition Instructions For TT '22**************
To get states: You have to edit the same dll, but find Intuit.Cfg.Wte.Service.Entitlement -> EntitlementService -> GetAvailableFreeStates()
Change it to return number of states you want (I need 2 in my case, NJ and NY):
public virtual int GetAvailableFreeStates()
return 2;
You have to edit the same dll (Intuit.Cfg.Wte.Service) file used during the Product activation step on DnSpy tool, but this time you must slightly scroll above to locate & find following file name, Intuit.Cfg.Wte.Service.Entitlement -> EntitlementService -> GetAvailableFreeStates()
Then right-click on that file to "Edit Method (C#)". Which will open a window for the initial decompiling steps for the file: GetAvailableFreeStates()
Once new window opens up, scroll down & locate the following specified script (possibly seen on line 14 or 15)
Public virtual int GetAvailableFreeStates()
return 2;
Slightly below this you'll find a value set as '0' (seen on line 20).
This value is what you will change to determine the number of paid states you qualify for & desire.
So if you desire 2 state filings, just change it to 2, if 1 state just change it to 1 and so on etc.... Once you've made this change and nothing else (no deleting or removing other data is necessary here), you then select "Compile" on the bottom lower hand side of the window, to complete the rewriting of script file (There should be no errors for this simple process). Then save file (i.e. open file on top left hand & select save module) & store it somewhere other than the TT directory folder (preferably desktop location).
This will allow you to store the older dll file somewhere else, (in case something happens) before you proceed on dropping/pasting the newer modified dll over into your TT directory (32bit folder).
1. Use dnSpy to open "Intuit.Ctg.Wte.Service.dll" file
2. Navigate to Intuit.Ctg.Wte.Service.Entitlement->EntitlementPresenter->PurchaseStateEFile
3. Right click, select "Edit Method (C#)"
4. Change "PaymentMethod.Unpaid" to "PaymentMethod.Phone". (Within the code, DELETE LINES 31-37 (the whole if else statement))
5. Compile and save file.
6. Run TT, ignore state e-file fee shown, click Pay with Credit Card
SF.3. You then have the window that shows efile your federal return for free ... click continue
SF.4. Select returns you ready to efile click efile for all ... click continue
SF.5. Enter your information for efile ... click continue
SF.6. Now finish up/review filing info for state return ... click continue
SF.7. Save the preview of your taxes if you want ... click continue
SF.8. Enter email for status on returns ... click continue
SF.9. Payment will show some amount depending on number of states ... ignore it, DO NOT ADD AUDIT DEFENSE ... click continue
SF.10. How do you want to pay ... click PAY WITH CREDIT CARD
SF.11. Window to pay is now gone (instead of prompting you for $$) ... jumps to transmit returns ... click the button to transmit
SF.12. Return is transmitted ... click continue
SF.13. Finish the rest of the prompts how you like, the return is transmitted and you will receive an email!