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SCAM $85 @Ping And his "Worker/Slave"

by Dreamm1 - 25 April, 2024 - 12:18 PM
This post is by a banned member (Dreamm1) - Unhide
(This post was last modified: 25 April, 2024 - 06:05 PM by Dreamm1.)
(25 April, 2024 - 05:11 PM)Liars Wrote: Show More
@Dreamm1 Provide evidence that you seen his combolists on forums and telegrams. Do so within 24 hours. All I see is baseless accusations and no real evidence.

I have about 20-30m of UK old combos that i got before few years from forums and telegrams all i know that i didnt paid for them but here is proof that all hits i got from his list already i have >

He also said  his data is good and i will get good hit ratio but i just got 63 hits from 200k.. tbh i paid him $85 for 100k but he sent 200k because of late response so its even more shit combolist

I just checked my telegram he blocked me [Image: monkayes.gif]

Im waiting for @Ping because he sent to me his Telegram and presented him as his worker thats why i bought.
This post is by a banned member (Atro) - Unhide
2 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 25 April, 2024 - 06:10 PM by Atro.)
(25 April, 2024 - 05:57 PM)Dreamm1 Wrote: Show More
(25 April, 2024 - 05:11 PM)Liars Wrote: Show More
@Dreamm1 Provide evidence that you seen his combolists on forums and telegrams. Do so within 24 hours. All I see is baseless accusations and no real evidence.

I have about 20-30m of UK old combos that i got before few years from forums and telegrams all i know that i didnt paid for them but here is proof that all hits i got from his list already i have >

He also said  his data is good and i will get good hit ratio but i just got 63 hits from 200k.. tbh i paid him $85 for 100k but he sent 200k because of late response so its even more shit combolist

I just checked my telegram he blocked me [Image: monkayes.gif]
I've had you blockedyou dumb fuck I have the chat exported I don'tneed any more ommuniations from yoou aka why you added me on the alt earlier when you realized it was simple was asking for ar efund then deleted the chat i screenied already.

Fullchat transcriptpre possible him deleting anything alread ysent @Liars -

Can weclose this dogshit shitpost salestrash threaed now on someone ntinvolved? 

Because truth is this guy scammed me look at my proof:

I hada llth eacs already see?

It takes titanium balls to post a reprt on a staff member withoutany involvement in the transaction, then proceed to be asked for proof on yur shit baseless acusations then send what I just sentsaying you scammed me actually asproof.
W/ A heavy heart to those who were my friends here I am taking a permanent leave from the community/most of the interenet due to continuing worseening of health. Take care everyone.
This post is by a banned member (Atro) - Unhide
2 Years of service
Get the fuck out of here with that shit you actual fucking troglodyte.
W/ A heavy heart to those who were my friends here I am taking a permanent leave from the community/most of the interenet due to continuing worseening of health. Take care everyone.
This post is by a banned member (Dreamm1) - Unhide
This is sad because he started to lie now, I didn't messaged him from any other telegram and asked for refund.. 

I Was waiting for him more than 4 hours for replacement

Then he started to be rude and retarded kid and told me to open scam report
This post is by a banned member (Atro) - Unhide
2 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 25 April, 2024 - 06:35 PM by Atro. Edited 4 times in total.)
(25 April, 2024 - 06:21 PM)Dreamm1 Wrote: Show More
This is sad because he started to lie now, I didn't messaged him from any other telegram and asked for refund.. 

I Was waiting for him more than 4 hours for replacement

Then he started to be rude and retarded kid and told me to open scam report

Liars has been sent a screenshot of your fake proof mate,delete your shit or find someone not taught by staff to literally export all conversations as they happen in deals to prevent people being able to sway something like you attempted towith your proof, you fucked up there, that's a wrap simple.

Also, if you're to stupid t comprehend i'm not saying you scammed me I'm showinng you how fuckinng piss poor your proof is. It isn't prving anything Liars asked for. Simple. Get your head hecked.

(25 April, 2024 - 06:21 PM)Dreamm1 Wrote: Show More
This is sad because he started to lie now, I didn't messaged him from any other telegram and asked for refund.. 

I Was waiting for him more than 4 hours for replacement

Then he started to be rude and retarded kid and told me to open scam report

Let's point to what's imprtantin this notwhat you think is important because clearly you aren't smart enough to deduce what is important in your own screenshot. I tld you not to message me again, until I message you. I have things in my life staff members are aware of that come before your dumb ass and let's point to the other statement even after your dumbass messages me again - "either REPORT ME,OR SHUT THE FUK UP AND WAIT UNTILI'MNOT BUSY AND I WILL HELP YOU" - note: I never needed to help you had zer obligation to it is how I personally runmy business, and that's just how it is. I was still willingn to help you, you have no opportunity for anything from me beause of your response to shut the fuck up and wait patiently.

You called me 3 minutes after sending money to a wallet 5 hours sent previously while I was trying to sleep. How retarded can you be?

Instead for whatever reason the fact smeone hasn'tjust said open a report on me because the way I see it this is a report on ping and nothing to do with me. 

So provide proof of ping scamming you when he had n transaction with you, until there is a report on me, this report is none of my business in the first place. After you lose that report, report me where liars has every bit of ur conversation and lose that one too.
W/ A heavy heart to those who were my friends here I am taking a permanent leave from the community/most of the interenet due to continuing worseening of health. Take care everyone.
This post is by a banned member (Dreamm1) - Unhide
(25 April, 2024 - 06:25 PM)Atro Wrote: Show More
(25 April, 2024 - 06:21 PM)Dreamm1 Wrote: Show More
This is sad because he started to lie now, I didn't messaged him from any other telegram and asked for refund.. 

I Was waiting for him more than 4 hours for replacement

Then he started to be rude and retarded kid and told me to open scam report

Liars has been sent a screenshot of your fake proof mate,delete your shit or find someone not taught by staff to literally export all conversations as they happen in deals to prevent people being able to sway something like you attempted towith your proof, you fucked up there, that's a wrap simple.

Also, if you're to stupid t comprehend i'm not saying you scammed me I'm showinng you how fuckinng piss poor your proof is. It isn't prving anything Liars asked for. Simple. Get your head hecked.

(25 April, 2024 - 06:21 PM)Dreamm1 Wrote: Show More
This is sad because he started to lie now, I didn't messaged him from any other telegram and asked for refund.. 

I Was waiting for him more than 4 hours for replacement

Then he started to be rude and retarded kid and told me to open scam report

Let's point to what's imprtantin this notwhat you think is important because clearly you aren't smart enough to deduce what is important in your own screenshot. I tld you not to message me again, until I message you. I have things in my life staff members are aware of that come before your dumb ass and let's point to the other statement even after your dumbass messages me again - "either REPORT ME,OR SHUT THE FUK UP AND WAIT UNTILI'MNOT BUSY AND I WILL HELP YOU" - note: I never needed to help you had zer obligation to it is how I personally runmy business, and that's just how it is. I was still willingn to help you, you have no opportunity for anything from me beause of your response to shut the fuck up and wait patiently.

You called me 3 minutes after sending money to a wallet 5 hours sent previously while I was trying to sleep. How retarded can you be?

"Report me or shut the fuk up" lool if you deal like that with your customers then you are fuckin retarded kid [Image: kek.png]
This post is by a banned member (Atro) - Unhide
2 Years of service
(25 April, 2024 - 06:37 PM)Dreamm1 Wrote: Show More
(25 April, 2024 - 06:25 PM)Atro Wrote: Show More
(25 April, 2024 - 06:21 PM)Dreamm1 Wrote: Show More
This is sad because he started to lie now, I didn't messaged him from any other telegram and asked for refund.. 

I Was waiting for him more than 4 hours for replacement

Then he started to be rude and retarded kid and told me to open scam report

Liars has been sent a screenshot of your fake proof mate,delete your shit or find someone not taught by staff to literally export all conversations as they happen in deals to prevent people being able to sway something like you attempted towith your proof, you fucked up there, that's a wrap simple.

Also, if you're to stupid t comprehend i'm not saying you scammed me I'm showinng you how fuckinng piss poor your proof is. It isn't prving anything Liars asked for. Simple. Get your head hecked.

(25 April, 2024 - 06:21 PM)Dreamm1 Wrote: Show More
This is sad because he started to lie now, I didn't messaged him from any other telegram and asked for refund.. 

I Was waiting for him more than 4 hours for replacement

Then he started to be rude and retarded kid and told me to open scam report

Let's point to what's imprtantin this notwhat you think is important because clearly you aren't smart enough to deduce what is important in your own screenshot. I tld you not to message me again, until I message you. I have things in my life staff members are aware of that come before your dumb ass and let's point to the other statement even after your dumbass messages me again - "either REPORT ME,OR SHUT THE FUK UP AND WAIT UNTILI'MNOT BUSY AND I WILL HELP YOU" - note: I never needed to help you had zer obligation to it is how I personally runmy business, and that's just how it is. I was still willingn to help you, you have no opportunity for anything from me beause of your response to shut the fuck up and wait patiently.

You called me 3 minutes after sending money to a wallet 5 hours sent previously while I was trying to sleep. How retarded can you be?

"Report me or shut the fuk up" lool if you deal like that with your customers then you are fuckin retarded kid [Image: kek.png]

I guess that's why i've been so successful in my business then - probably has to do with the factII am the nicest guy you'll ever meet until you spam me after I already tell you something, or make stupid ass comments or i don't know complain after (has been sent toliars) I literally give you the explicit warning you will not get nearly as good as results as you could if you don't give me information.

I stated this 4times that Ianquickly count from theexport, you proceeded, I kindly tld you if it doesn'twork out I willhelp fix you up a bit -t hat's how i've maintained a business this longwith zero reports, then you reply to me telling you fro the second time Iam busy to shut the fuck up and wait patiently or go report me by i''mreporting ping. You are so far gone fromreality that its unbearable. This report has everything it needs to be solved i'm not responding again. Period. 

This reports against ping not me, it's against guidelines to report someone that had zero involvement in the transaction taken place. Then your report against me your evidence is literally as strong as me saying no you scammed me a ctualyy and sending a screenshot of acc names beside my ac list opened, which no you didn't scam me did you? So there you go my evidence is just as strong that yu scammed me as yours is  against me, so both reports are dead in the water. Liars has screenshots and the entire transcript of the conversation that can't be edited. So with that i'm out @Liars can dm me if he needs anything else, but as far as I see it you had every opportunity to stop being a annoying twat and be patient while I have more important things to tend to - as wellhad 4 clarifications on your results will be weaker if you don't give me information asked for. You neither were patient (4 hours isn'tpatient youidiot) nor were you compliant in helping me tailor to your needs. So with that this need sno more information because you don't have anything.
W/ A heavy heart to those who were my friends here I am taking a permanent leave from the community/most of the interenet due to continuing worseening of health. Take care everyone.
This post is by a banned member (Dreamm1) - Unhide
(This post was last modified: 25 April, 2024 - 07:11 PM by Dreamm1. Edited 5 times in total.)
I said "I will open scam report on Ping" Because he sent Telegram of this kid "Atro" and presented him as his worker so @Ping is involved in this too.. Thats why i bought because of @Ping

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