OP 12 September, 2020 - 08:05 PM
Scammers Profile Link: https://cracked.to/WangTang
[If Applicable] Sales Thread: https://cracked.to/Thread-Sellix-EASIEST...INVESTMENT
Amount or Item(s) Scammed: $105 in Litecoin 2.176571795800 LTC
Screenshots of Communication: http://prnt.sc/ug6al9 http://prnt.sc/ug6b5p
Additional Information: bought this method for nearly a week and nothing. Had to add another person who supposedly was going to pay you all he did was just add me 4 days ago and that was it. Tried to ask what I should do and let me know when your online. And no response.
[If Applicable] Crypto address for a refund:MExGuYA91Xd9PSxnyW2LtBtmfZtU3YtC3t
[If Applicable] Sales Thread: https://cracked.to/Thread-Sellix-EASIEST...INVESTMENT
Amount or Item(s) Scammed: $105 in Litecoin 2.176571795800 LTC
Screenshots of Communication: http://prnt.sc/ug6al9 http://prnt.sc/ug6b5p
Additional Information: bought this method for nearly a week and nothing. Had to add another person who supposedly was going to pay you all he did was just add me 4 days ago and that was it. Tried to ask what I should do and let me know when your online. And no response.
[If Applicable] Crypto address for a refund:MExGuYA91Xd9PSxnyW2LtBtmfZtU3YtC3t