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by mex13 - 26 July, 2022 - 09:31 PM
This post is by a banned member (mex13) - Unhide
3 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 26 July, 2022 - 09:34 PM by mex13. Edited 1 time in total.)
Scammers Profile - Profile of LuckyNY
Sales Thread: Payment for creating a boot
Amount or Item(s) Scammed:$103
Screenshots of Communication:
Additional Information:
Crypto address for a refund:

Hace unas semanas puse un anuncio que buscaba alguien para un trabajo de realizar un bot y una web en tor

bueno esta persona con el usario del con supuesta habiliades de Hacker Lol
se le dio la confianza y se le deposito la cantidad de $103 dlls en btc para trabajo, pero bueno me dio confianza por ser de cracked ya que e echo trato con varios y nunca e tenido problemas

ni en compras ni en nada bueno esta persona me pide que le colabore con mas dinero por que su maquina se desconpuso el cual le dije que no que si no podia realizar el trabajo que me diera de vuelta el btc tengo screen todo pero me da hueva subirlos les dejo lo que puso casi me cago de la RISA.....

Macoy, [7/27/2022 12:39 AM]
Pensándolo mejor, tengo otras formas de pedir. Tan solo con las capturas que tengo de nuestras conversaciones podría meterte en un lío con la justicia.
Te voy a ser sincero, te he doxeado y he sacado toda la información personal relevante y antecedentes y creeme, es más que suficiente para mandarte los federales a casa, es decir, hacerte swatting. Actualmente ya tengo pinchado tu teléfono, pero esto aún no ha comenzado.
Si no envías 2.000€ en btc a la dirección que te facilitaré empezaré a denunciarte anonimamente hasta que tengas a los feds encima, y subiré todos tus datos a una base de datos de hackers, y que ellos sean los que se ocupen de desplumarte. 
Esto no es ninguna broma. Si no he recibido el pago en dos horas leakeare toda tu info y comenzaré a denunciarte.

Macoy, [7/27/2022 12:39 AM]
+34 627 396 799

Espero alguien le pueda dar ban ya que todos aqui hacemos cosas ilegales y gente como esta no deberia de estar aqui...

saludos-.. Ban 2

This is a bump

Todavia se cree hacker por esto jajajajajaaj pense que ya no habia rippers aqui



A few weeks ago I put an ad looking for someone for a job to make a bot and a web in tor

well this person with the user of the forum with alleged Hacker skills Lol
he was given the trust and the amount of $103 dlls was deposited in btc for work, but well he gave me confidence for being cracked since I have dealt with several and I have never had problems

neither in purchases nor in anything good this person asks me to collaborate with more money because his machine broke down which I told him no if he could not do the work he would give me back the btc I have screen everything but it gives me eggs upload them I leave you what you put I almost shit from LAUGHTER .....

Macoy, [7/27/2022 12:39 AM]
On second thought, I have other ways to order. Just with the screenshots I have of our conversations I could get you in trouble with the law.
I'll be honest with you, I've doxed you and pulled out all the relevant personal information and background information and believe me, it's more than enough to send the feds home, that is, swatting you. Currently I already have your phone tapped, but this has not started yet.
If you don't send €2,000 in btc to the address I'll give you, I'll start denouncing you anonymously until you have the feds on top, and I'll upload all your data to a hacker database, and they'll be the ones to take care of fleecing you.
This is not a joke. If I have not received the payment in two hours, I will leak all your information and start reporting you.

Macoy, [7/27/2022 12:39 AM]
+34 627 396 799

I hope someone can give him a ban since we all do illegal things here and people like this shouldn't be here...

This is a bump
He still thinks he's a hacker for this hahahahaha I thought there were no rippers here anymore
This post is by a banned member (Leechometer) - Unhide
5 Years of service
System bot message: @LuckyNY (LuckyNY) has been notified about this dispute via private messages and has 24hours to reply in this thread
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Taking care of's leechers. Every day.
If you have a question regarding your leeching level, click here.
This post is by a banned member (LuckyNY) - Unhide
This post is by a banned member (mex13) - Unhide
3 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 27 July, 2022 - 01:15 AM by mex13.)
(26 July, 2022 - 09:45 PM)LuckyNY Wrote: Show More
He actually broke forum rules by leaking my number and addy.
I wont deal with the report until that info is removed or until the user that leaked that info is warned.

Do you want respect when you put a post to extort users with the police? friend and besides you stole me I'm not interested in money

but people to be careful with people like you and to them the adms and mods that take action with this matter I don't care if you leave or stay but how do you publish a post saying that you have a method to extort people from the police cracked... you are very stupid but good

take things seriously, you could have won more with me by working well without stealing 103 dlls, it's nothing you could have won, but in the end, if you don't even talk about that...

Greetings, I hope they get you out of here because you're just going to be looking for someone to steal...


This post is by a banned member (LuckyNY) - Unhide
This post is by a banned member (Liars) - Unhide
Staff Team
5 Years of service
User has been banned. Sorry for your loss.
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AD by  @GoodEatsB4U exp 8/12/2024
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